Good morning to you on this fine Wednesday!

May God bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you. May He give you peace. (from Numbers 6:24-26)

I hope you can see God's blessings in this day that He has made. I can. Right here and right now. He has given me a good night's sleep. He has given me a bed to sleep in. I have awoken to another day. The sun is shining. I can see the beautiful trees. The sky is gorgeous and blue. I can see the mountains. God has given us air to breathe. He has given us families and friends. He loves us no matter what! He has given us a Savior to save us from our sins. A Savior to worship!

Most of these things could be taken away from us in an instant. We could be living in a war-torn country. We could be living on the streets with no pillow to cushion our heads. And no mattress to lay our bodies. We could live in darkness with no light. We could live in a dreary world around us with nothing to praise God about. Although that would be in our minds and most likely not in the physical. But there is much to praise God about. All around us are blessings that know no bounds.

It is the LORD's blessing that makes a 
person rich, and hard work adds nothing to it.
Proverbs 10:22

We may not be rich in money but we are very, very rich in blessings. God is so good to us. He has given so much for you and me. I am rich because I know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Do you? Do you count your blessings every day?

Think about what is around you. No. Not everything is good in our lives. Not everything is perfect. But no one said it would be. But we have a God Who loves us more than anything. What a blessing! And no matter what we do, He will never stop loving us. What a blessing! He may not like what we do but He loves us anyway. What a blessing!

So, think about your blessings, the good things in your life. Don't forget anything. Stop and smell the roses. Spend your time worshipping the Lord. When you look at a beautiful flower or tree or the blue sky, thank God for it. Look at the beauty around you. It is definitely there. Don't miss it for one more day. God made it all for us because He loves us.

Have a miraculous day!




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