Good morning on this great Saturday!

Hope you had a great week. Mine was pretty good just very busy since I was gone for 3 days of it. Which was a definite blessing! R & R is always a way to peace. (But Jesus is the real way.) So, there was lots to do on the last two days and today is set to be very busy also.

I am going to share my devotion from the Upper Room for today. It was really good.

Wiped Clean            Read Colossians 2:9-15

Repent, . . . and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out.

- Acts 3:19 (NIV)

Today's Devotional

Offensive words — big, stark, and depressing — had been scrawled on the wall of the building. Someone came along with a can of paint and painted over the words. The result was a clean, attractive wall.
I had inscribed across my life words, behaviors, and attitudes that were offensive to God. They often appeared in my mind, especially when I began to seek God. How could God, who is righteous, accept me with all the moral and spiritual graffiti polluting my life?
Then I heard about Jesus Christ and the cross. Jesus saw the slate of my failures and offenses and paid the penalty for them. He not only forgave my sins, but also wiped my heart clean. By faith in Christ as my Lord and Savior, I have a new beginning, a new destiny. Calvary is the sign of sin’s defeat. Before the Lord, we are clean.
Raymond N. Hawkins (Tasmania, Australia)
Thought for the Day:
The cross proclaims that we have been made clean.
Prayer: Thank you, dear God, for cleansing my life through the cross of Jesus Christ. May our lives be pleasing in your sight, according to your word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer Focus: Those who do not know Christ

If you are one of those who do not know Christ, today is the day of salvation. Give your heart to Jesus. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you.

Here is a simple website of how to receive Christ:

Have a miraculous day!



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