
Showing posts from February, 2013


Good morning to you! I pray you are blessed. Actually I know you are! We are all so blessed in so many ways. I hope that you can try to count them. You may never finish but at least start. I am! I woke up in a dream this morning. And God was telling me to write this blog about it. But it may take me a moment to remember exactly what it was. I have already forgotten. Oh, it starts out with this. But my God shall supply all your need according  to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 Do not be like them, for your Father knows  what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:8  What do you need? One thing we need is groceries. We all need to eat. Have you noticed the prices of food lately? I am sure you have. It is really crazy but it is what it is. We need it, so we buy it. But in order to buy what we need sometimes we have to give up something that we don't need. We might need to be more careful in what we buy. Sometimes other bra...


Good morning to you on this blessed day! I pray all is well with you. All is awesome with me because God is so great and greatly to be praised. The day before yesterday I finished my blog and said that I would give you five ways that God equips us to live life in His Spirit but I didn't mention that yesterday. So, I will do that today. God is so good and when we receive salvation He then fills us with His Spirit and equips us to live that life. We can find five ways God does that. There are probably more but we will talk about five. The Holy Spirit guides us: But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you  into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will  speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13 The Holy Spirit within us guides us through life and shows us what it means to be led by Him. The guidance of the Holy Spirit leads us to avoid and shun our selfish motives and frees us from bein...


Good morning to you on this blessed morning! See and hear this scripture: "If my people, who are called by my name, will  humble themselves and pray and seek my face and  turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 This verse is paramount to this country, to our world. Many things are happening in our country that are scary, uncomfortable, not right. We received a letter yesterday from our family doctor. He is quitting primary care and changing over to urgent care because of what is happening to health care. I am telling you we are in a world of hurt and it will get much, much worse. Doctors are quitting their practices or changing to some other field.  My first thought was what will we do? Well, my first thought should have been, Lord help us! But this is going to be very wide spread. And when we do go to the doctors, we will have to wait for a very long tim...


Good morning to you this fine day!  I pray all is well with you and that you woke up with a smile on your face. I fell asleep in my recliner last night pretty early. We went to church and then came home and I read Friday's newspaper and some other things and then I was gone. I have been falling asleep every night while sitting. I didn't used to do that. I don't seem to be tired during the day but when I sit down for a while I go out pretty quick and have been sleeping really good. (I read about drinking one ounce of straight cherry juice helps. It does. I do it every day.) That is a blessing for me since my history of sleeping at night is not very good. So, I praise the Lord! You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are  in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God  lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit  of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. Romans 8:9 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds s...


Good morning on this Sabbath morning! It is supposed to be a sunshiny day today and 60* degrees also. Those cool, cloudy, rainy days get old after awhile and boy, have we had a lot of them this winter with lots of rain. God knows what each day holds for us and we need to just be content in whatever given to us each day. And then on beautiful spring like days we need to give glory to God for His handiwork and beauty around us. And so as a precursor to spring let ' s praise the Lord for His creation.     Lord , our Lord,      how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory      in the heavens. 2  Through the praise of children and infants      you have established a stronghold against your enemies,      to silence the foe and the avenger. 3  When I consider your heavens,      the work of your fingers,     the ...


Good morning on this Saturday morning! Hopefully you had a great day and night yesterday. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. He is not just good, He is awesome, miraculous, majestic, almighty, great, and so much more than we can imagine. He is so good to us. I have talked before about how He blesses us. The song "Count Your Blessings" is a great song. But then I try to think about the words when I sing and I really like hymns. Contemporary songs are wonderful. I love them but I also love the hymns. How Great Thou Art, He Lives, Because He Lives, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Oh, I could go on and on.  Have you ever thought much about a hug? A great hymn is like a hug. When you sing it, it makes you feel good like you are wrapped in God's love. When you haven't had a hug in a while do you miss it? When you hug, is it because you really care about that person? There are some days when we are so busy that my husband and I don't ...


Good morning to you!   May God bless you and keep  you and give you peace!   From Numbers 6:24-26. I pray all is well with you and that you had a great night.  I mentioned another day that we are doing a Ladies Bible Stu dy on Thursday mornings. I have enjoyed it so much. This is the second time I have st udied God's Word in Beth Moore 's Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit. It is a wonderful study if y ou are looking for a study to do. Anyway, this past week we have been s tud ying a bout love and specifically yesterday, Agape Love.  Wow! It is amazing. This kind of love could take pages and pages or weeks and weeks to talk about. So, I will barely touch the surface.  If everyone re ally love d with this kind of love, this world would be perfect. Unfor tunately, we don't. We fall short.  Agape is caring love. The true meaning of agape is in 1 Corinthians 13. In one dictionary the meaning is: selfless, ...


  Good morning to you! I pray that you had a blessed night. God is so wonderful and I thank Him all the time. Every moment, thank God. Do you have happy, difficult, quiet, or painful moments? We all do. During the happy moments I hope we think to praise God. We really shouldn't have to think about it. Praising God should be automatic. And our happy moments should be more often than any other moment. Remember being happy is a choice. We can chose to be unhappy or we can choose to be content in any circumstance with a smile on our face and be happy.  During difficult and painful moments we need to seek and trust God. Life in Christ was never meant to be easy. Worth every second of it but not easy. Things get hard, really hard but those are the times we really need to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. He is always faithful. We can always depend on Him. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter...


Good morning! Are we still rejoicing in the Lord? Keep it u p ! Don't stop! It is pleasin g to the Lord. You know, some of the things that God wants me to ta lk about are much more involved than I have time to write or you have time to read. Most of the subje cts I talk about I could go on for pages and pages. God 's Word is so full of , well God. And we have to s tudy His Word on our own. I guess I am only able to get you thinking a bo ut things so you can study on your own. This blog has really got me thinking about different things in His Word. God is speaking to all of us in this blog including me. I do feel like I am leaving a lot out and if this Christian walk is new to you then you are not hearing the whole story. What you need to do is study God's Word as I said, go to church , get involved in Sunday School, and Bible Study , all in a Bible -based church. We need to do whatever it takes in order to learn more about God and His ways. "For my t...