Good morning to you!
Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the
churches of Christ send greetings.
Romans 16:16
How are we at greeting one another? Are we really friendly? Are we kind of crabby? Do we greet one another with love? What about the holy kiss? I know we need to be careful with the kiss when we greet people. But a holy kiss?
In Garland’s commentary on 1 Corinthians he says, “The kiss is more than
an extension of social custom, since it is identified as ‘holy.’ It was
a distinctive practice that served as a sign of mutual fellowship among
persons of mixed social background, nationality, race, and gender who
are joined together as a new family in Christ.”
So, holy kisses are okay. Our American culture is not really the kissing kind. I mean married men kiss their wives, women greet women with a kiss sometimes, parents kiss their children at least until the children get to a certain age and then they shy away. But in other countries it is the custom to greet with a kiss on each side of the face. Here kisses seem to be considered wrong unless you are kissing the right person. Well, not as wrong as they used to be, I guess. Anyway, as Christians we just don't greet each other in that way. And maybe that is for the best!
As long as we greet one another with love, that is where we need to keep it. This sort of goes along with hospitality. We can greet our family with love and caring and that is a good thing. When someone says hello, we don't want to ignore them. We say hello with a smile. It may be the only smile someone has gotten all day.
So, let us greet each other with a smile and the love of Jesus no matter where we are and show people we care, and even more than that show how much Jesus cares for people.
That is all we need to do. Everything else will fall into place. But we need to love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and maybe greet Him with a holy kiss.
Have a wonderful day!
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