Good morning to you!

I pray your night was well!
I had trouble typing this blog yesterday. I just couldn't seem to type the right letters. I corrected it as I went but it took me longer to get it "published". That sounds really weird to me but that is the button that I click when I get this blog finished. I want you to know first hand how much I have enjoyed writing this blog. It has helped me so much. I was a little depressed when I started writing this blog but while praying one day in October, God told me to write this. And for once in my life I was obedient. Ha! 

It is not everyday you actually hear God speak to your spirit. At least not for me anyway. It doesn't happen that often for me. Just maybe I am not listening. He speaks to me through His Word mostly or through our pastor or a preacher or speaker. Anyway, He told me to write a blog. I am like "me? Surely not but I am not sure I can do that, Lord." And maybe I still can't really write a blog but I do it every day and I do it the best I know how with God's help. I love doing it. But most of all I love you, the reader. There may be only one of you but there could be hundreds of you. (Probably not). But who knows. God still performs miracles. But I appreciate and love everyone of you, my readers. Because you are the reason I do this, well God is the real and first reason, but you are next to Him. But without readers, what is the point? But in God's eyes, it is probably the obedient thing that makes Him happy. So, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this blog. It really means the world to me. And I hope and pray that you just might be gleaning even a little tiny bit of encouragement or something from this blog.

God loves us so much and wants us to listen to Him and obey. Obeying Him I believe is part of our worship of Him. At least it is part of the relationship with Him. And I am sure that obedience is a big part of that relationship with Jesus. 

If you fully obey the Lord your God 
and carefully follow all his commands I 
give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.
Deuteronomy 28:1
In everything that he undertook 
in the service of God’s temple and 
in obedience to the law and the commands, 
he sought his God and worked 
wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.
2 Chronicles 31:21
Through him and for his name’s sake, 
we received grace and apostleship to 
call people from among all the Gentiles 
to the obedience that comes from faith.
Romans 1:5

And this is love: that we walk in 
obedience to his commands. As you 
have heard from the beginning, his 
command is that you walk in love.
2 John 1:6
So obedience is definitely important. And I know we can do it maybe even better than we already do or don't do. Because that is what God wants. And I believe that He will even help us do it if we ask.
Have an awesome day!
Love in Christ,
Les (lesbear)


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