Good morning to you on this frosty morning! The front thermometer says 19*, the back says 11*, and the internet
says it is 16* here. So, it is very cold!

I pray that you had a great night. I thought that I had had a caffeinated cup of coffee yesterday morning by mistake while finishing it on my way home from seeing my son and family. We went to my grandson's basketball game and my daughter-in-law blessed me with a cup of coffee from a shop. PTL! It was a good cup of coffee. Anyway, I forgot to tell her decaf. Last night when I was relaxing in front of the TV with my husband, my heart was racing and I thought oh no. Another sleepless night in Athens, TN! But lo and behold, I slept all night and didn't even have to get up and go to the bathroom. That is a miracle in itself. Aw, well. Such is life. It is full of God's handiwork.

God is so good that He blesses us so much more than we deserve. Some of those blessings seem like miracles and some of those blessings are almost as great. 

And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God:
Deuteronomy 28:2

Blessed is every one who fears the Lord
Who walks in His ways.
Psalm 128:1

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus 
Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms 
with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3

I feel like we are blessed in more ways than most people think. I feel like the air we breathe is a blessing. The land we live in is a blessing. Each day God gives us is a blessing. Our family and our home are blessings. Our friends are blessings. Our jobs and transportation are blessings. If we get to take a vacation, it is a blessing, even if it is a stay-cation. You know, have time off from work and just get to stay home.The trees and flowers and grass and also our pets are blessings. God meet all our needs according to Philippians 4:19. That is a blessing. Well, maybe that one would be a spiritual blessing. I could go on and on. I wouldn't call most of these spiritual blessings but blessings none the less. I guess these would be physical or material blessings.

First, salvation would certainly be a spiritual blessing and all God did to make that possible. Ephesians 1 is a great chapter to read about spiritual blessings. Spiritual blessings in these scriptures are: election as saints, our adoption as His children, we are made "accepted in the beloved" (KJV), the redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, knowing the mystery of His will, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit. And I know there are many more. You could say this would be spiritual blessings, like the fruit of the spirit. If we are filled with the fruit, we are truly blessed. Even if we have only one, but the first fruit is love and if you have love, you probably have more than one. 

I won't go into to that. I have talked about the fruit of the Spirit before and spent a day on each of the fruits. Go back and read them. There are so many more blessings but you need to search out those blessings in God's Word yourself. I think even His promises are blessings.

Anyway, I have rattled on long enough so I will pray for you and also ask God to give you a blessed sabbath day! You are truly blessed in Christ!



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