Good morning on this blessed Wednesday!

I pray that you had a great day yesterday. I sure did. I am praising God for His great blessings and plans. He is so great and greatly to be praised. He is an awesome God!

This has been an extremely busy and a little stressful few weeks. But God knows these things and knows exactly what we need when we need it. He knows our hearts. He knows our minds. He knows everything. And He certainly knows when we don't keep our focus on Him.

I pray that in the next week especially that you would keep your heart and mind focused on Jesus because without Him we would not have Christ-mas! Also, there are always many people hurting at this time of the year, so pray for them and do what you can to help them. We will always have "others" in our lives, so let us focus on Jesus and help others no matter who they are.  They can be family, friends, or acquaintances, or someone we don't even know.  But God wants us to: 

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with 
all your soul and with all your mind and with all your 
strength.'  The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 
Mark 12:30-31

So, that is pretty important to help others. That is part of the greatest commandment. Let's do it especially now when people's hearts are softer. Christmas is not about ourselves. It is all about Jesus!

Let's celebrate the Birthday of the King in our hearts and tell others about Him!

Have an excellent day!

       Les (lesbear)



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