Good morning to you!

Check out this website:

It gives you a countdown until Christmas and you can leave it on your desktop, if you want to stay online for 8 days. Pretty cool!

I can't wait until Christmas because my kids and grandchildren will be here. It is always so much fun. It is a little noisy and chaotic at times and I love every second of it.

So, as you count down the days until Christmas, remember that Jesus is the heart of Christmas. That He is the reason we have Christmas and celebrate it. Because it is the Birthday of the King. And without our beloved King of kings and Lord of lords we would not even have Christmas. So, when we come across someone who is very secular and doesn't believe, let them know that Christmas is all about Jesus. 

Christmas may be very commercial and secular these days, but we can worship the King if and when we want to, and it has nothing to do with others. It is our time to praise and worship Him and let others know how much HE loves them. And we will say "Merry Christmas" and not happy holidays. We don't want to leave Jesus out of it. Because HE is It!

The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come 
upon you, and the power of the Most High will 
overshadow you. So the holy one to be 
born will be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:35

Help us, O God, to see the Reason for the season, and to tell others of His love. Help us to keep our focus on you and be used by you in this Christmas season. Lead, guide and direct us as we follow You, Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen!

So, remember that Jesus is the Reason for the season and that He is the Heart of Christmas. These sayings may have been over used but they are true. Believe them and in Him!

Have a wondrous day!

          Les (lesbear)


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