Good morning on this blessed morning!

I pray that you had a wonderful day yesterday. We did. We got one of our big to dos done on our renovation. I am so excited. And it is so beautiful. And I praise the Lord that He allowed us to do it. There was 5 guys working on it and they said it would take two days. About half way through the day, they told us that they could get it all done if they stayed until 6 PM. Well, they were leaving at 9 PM. We stayed up until 12:30 AM doing some things that we needed to do before we could put the furniture back in. Well, we never or almost never stay up that late. So, I got to sleep in until about 7:30. And time to get started again. Getting the house back in order and decorating for Christmas will be fun and nearly impossible. But with God all things are possible. God cares about even the small things.

I am reading a book called God is in the Small Stuff at Christmas by Bruce and Stan. God is not only in the small stuff but in everything if you don't shut Him out. I don't ever want to shut Him out of anything in my life and I pray that I never do.

“One who is faithful in a very little is also
 faithful in much, and one who is dishonest 
in a very little is also dishonest in much."
Luke 16:10

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, 
and all these things will be added to you.  
Matthew 6:33

In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and 
said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, 
that you have hidden these things from the wise and 
understanding and revealed them to little children; 
yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.  
Luke 10:21

So, let God be in your life. Let Him show you His love. And then bask in His love. Let Him shine His light in you and through you. Let God use you and be in the small things in your life. There are no coincidences. Everything in your life was planned out completely by God in the beginning. And He will continue to make plans for you, even in the small things.

Have a terrific day!

      Les (lesbear)


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