Forgive me for not posting this morning. I did the blog and forgot to click publish.

Good morning to you!
Greet one another with a holy kiss. All
the churches of Christ send greetings.
Romans 16:16
I always wondered about that holy kiss. Do we greet others with a holy kiss when we get to church or anywhere else? At my home church, some of the women greet their friends with a holy kiss and great big hugs. Not many churches do that but I think it is great. They really know how to show their love and care for each other and for Jesus.
Rom. 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26. Each one of these verses talk about greeting with a holy kiss. I didn't realize that it was mentioned in God's Word that many times. I thought that it was only once. I guess that is just confirmation that we should be doing it.
"The “Holy Kiss.” Among early Christians there was the “holy kiss” possibly bestowed on individuals of the same sex. This early Christian
form of greeting may correspond to the ancient Hebrew practice of
greeting one with a kiss. Though the Scriptures provide no details, the
“holy kiss” or “kiss of love” evidently reflected the wholesome love and
unity prevailing in the Christian congregation. (John 13:34, 35)" Quoted from Doughboy.
It sounds good to me. We should greet each other with the caring attitude that we should have toward each other whether in church or not. Show the love of Jesus to everyone around us. As far as the "holy kiss" goes, that is a matter of choice but I like it.
Hope you had a blessed day!
Les (lesbear)
It sounds good to me. We should greet each other with the caring attitude that we should have toward each other whether in church or not. Show the love of Jesus to everyone around us. As far as the "holy kiss" goes, that is a matter of choice but I like it.
Hope you had a blessed day!
Les (lesbear)
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