Being Spiritually Available to God!

Good morning to you this fine day!

I pray that all is well with you. I want to share my devotion this morning from the Upper Room. It was really good. I mean, I could attempt to write about it myself but I shall just share it as it is written. God is with us and will give us everything we need to serve Him. He equips the called and we, who believe in Jesus as our Savior, are all called.

(Click on scripture link above to see passage.)

The Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a boy’; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you.”
- Jeremiah 1:7 (NRSV)

Today's Devotional
A good friend told me about a time when he was asked to sing at a church service. As he looked out over the congregation, he started to feel inferior when he saw so many other people who had previously sung in worship.
However, after the service, a wonderful woman complimented him on his singing, saying it was “one of the best testimonies” she had ever heard. He related to her his feelings of inadequacy as he compared himself to the other vocalists.
She responded that God is not as much concerned with our ability as with our availability. God is pleased when we are willing to use what we have to serve regardless of how unskilled we think we are.
I am in a wheelchair due to a disability. This was a good story for me as I struggle with these same feelings and compare myself with others constantly. But my disability does not affect my ability to serve God. God knows our limitations and desires only that we are prepared and willing to go where God leads and to do God’s will.
Sandra Vaughan (Pennsylvania, USA)
Thought for the Day:
God is more interested in my availability than my abilities.
Prayer: Dear Giver of all gifts, help us to use our gifts and talents for you and to be available always to do your will. Amen.
Prayer Focus: Those struggling with insecurities

This is so true. We all have talents and gifts and God is going to use us in these, but He could also choose to use us elsewhere. And that is where we have to lean on and trust Him to give us everything we need to carry out those tasks. And He will. He will never let us down. We may let Him down by saying "no, I won't do that for you, God." But He will forgive us. We just have to ask. And He won't stop loving us unconditionally and always. And He will still be with us and won't leave us.

Have an awesome day!




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