Good morning!

Blessings to you on this fine day! I made it home safely and I praise the Lord for that. I love going out of town no matter how long or short but it is always good to be home. It is good to not only sleep in my own bed but to see my husband when he is not with me. 

And more and more I see how great God is. Every day I see His hand in everything around me. And He is so good. I just can't convey that enough. I want you to know that. And I don't want you to forget it. 

God is the the most amazing One ever and ever will be. He loves you and cares about you more than anyone ever will. He wants you to give your life over to Him. He wants you to love Him back and worship and adore Him. I do and I want everyone to be in that position with Him also. 

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you.…"
John 15:13-14

 "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it."
Matthew 10:38-39 

" O LORD, I give my life to you.
   I trust in you, my God!
Do not let me be disgraced,
  or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat.
 No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced,
  but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.
Show me the right path, O LORD;
  point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,
  for you are the God who saves me.
  All day long I put my hope in you.
Remember, O LORD, your compassion and unfailing love,
  which you have shown from long ages past. 
Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth.
  Remember me in the light of your unfailing love,
  for you are merciful, O LORD."
Psalm 25:1-7 

And, Oh, Lord I love you with all my heart. Do you love Him with all of your heart?

Have a wonderful Sunday!



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