I just loved this sunrise last June. Looking forward to it 
again this June as a new day dawns in Lake Junaluska, NC.

Good morning to you on this Friday!

The last day of the week. Are you ready for the weekend? Do you have great plans? I am not sure what we will do. It depends on whether it is going to rain on Saturday or not. It is supposed to rain all day. It is hard to work outside like that.

Light is sweet; how pleasant to see a new day 
dawning. When people live to be very old, 
let them rejoice in every day of life.
Ecclesiastes 11:7-8a 

A new day will dawn on us from above 
because our God is loving and merciful. 
Luke 1:78

So, how about that. When things are not good, not great, maybe even a little lousy, then we can look at it from a new day. 

Here is the song and video:

When my kids were little and going through a time crying a lot or whatever, my mom used to say, "Just wait a week. It will be something new." So, when things in your life are not the best, just wait a day. A new day. A new day dawning. Maybe after a good night's sleep or any sleep, we can look at our situation with new eyes, a new heart, a new day is here. And God is with us through it all. He doesn't turn His back on us. If anything we turn our back on Him. We think we can fix it all ourselves.

Well, sometimes we can because God is helping us whether we ask or not and sometimes we can't because He wants to show us that we need Him to help us and ask Him. But I will say, if we go to God with it first, He is going to make it right, the right way.  Think about that as your new day dawns. I sure will.

Have a blessed day!



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