God Heals Today

Good morning to you on this fine Monday!

I pray that you had a blessed weekend. I sure did. And yesterday's worship services were awesome. I can only praise God for that.

My devotion this morning was on healing. About the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years. How she just touched the hem of Jesus's garment and the healing power went out of Jesus and she was healed. What faith she had! She believed that all she had to do was touch His clothing and she would be healed. And Jesus said, "Your faith has healed you. Go in peace." 

Wow! I pray that my faith is that strong. Her faith had to be almost perfect, I suppose, for that to happen. She had His garment to touch. We can't touch His garment physically since He doesn't walk the streets in our day and time. But that doesn't mean we can't follow Him and have that same kind of faith. So, we should have that same kind of faith regardless of whether He walks physically with us or not. Because spiritually He does walk with us. And He stays with us and never leaves us.

Jesus is our healer. We have to believe that beyond a shadow of a doubt. We have to believe that when we pray and ask for God to heal us that He will if it is His will. But do you know what? He didn't always heal. Now I know that when Jesus walked in His day that He healed and people were healed almost immediately. But there were many that weren't healed. Because that was not what He came for. Why? Because it wasn’t His primary mission and purpose.

When Jesus heard it, He said to them, 
"Those who are well have no need of a 
physician, but those who are sick. I did 
not come to call the righteous,
 but sinners, to repentance." 
Mark 2:17

Jesus came to save the lost. Sure He healed some but He was here to save us all. Surely, He cared for people's needs, hurts, ailments, and discomforts. But He did not heal every physical ailment present on the earth.

"We must not presume upon God’s healing, though we ought to believe in it. God does heal (James 5:13-16) even today, but it is because He wants to. He honors the prayers of faith from the righteous hearts of His children, but He doesn’t always work how we want Him to work. I have been amongst believers that have firmly believed God for healing, and for whatever reason, God has chosen not to heal. Sometimes, people even go on to be with the Lord. Yet I have also heard of many testimonies where God has confounded doctors and miraculously healed. Regardless of what God decides to do, we can trust that His way and will is best. We cannot command God to heal, but we can ask Him to. We can believe Him to, but we cannot require Him to. In this world, we will have tribulation, but we ought not to fear because He has overcome this world. God causes all things to work for our good, even sickness, and, yes, even death. As Paul said, "To live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). One day sickness won’t be an issue anymore, but until we are with Jesus, let us pray for healing and grace to endure all things."
Portions of this blog are from Brent Barnett.  

Have a wonderful Monday! 



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