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Good morning!

It is again a cold, drippy, droopy day but the Lord has made it and we should rejoice and be glad in it! So, I will. How about you? Just maybe the first day of Spring will be bright and sunny and gorgeous and the forecast says it will be. We will see if God changes it!

Hopefully you are having a blessed day thus far since it is a gift of God. And He gives great gifts. May God fill you with His love and peace as you seek Him today. 

My Sunday School lesson homework that I am working on was about the crucifixion last Sunday. This coming Sunday is about the resurrection. And just a few weeks ago we saw the movie The Son of God. So, seeing it all happen in the movie and then studying it really brings it all to life. It kind of puts it in picture form. In your mind's eye you can see it happening as you study it. And wow it is so heart wrenching to see and feel what Jesus went through. We will never truly know or feel it but we can get closer to it. 

I think that every once in a while we need to watch it on the screen and see it because we truly forget what Jesus went through and need to remember that He did it for us. That it is real. That He suffered so awfully for our sins not His own. And then when we remember we can truly repent in asking for forgiveness and turning from the sin, and then thank Him for what He has done for us. Sometimes I think we get to the point of taking it all for granted and we need to relive it to change that. 

And then to remember that Jesus loves us so much and He rose again and lives so that we also would rise from our sinful lives and live with Him forever in Heaven.

What a gift Jesus gave us! 

Have a miraculous day!




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