leave the broken irreversible past in god s hands and step out into ...

Good morning to you!

Yesterday in my blog, I shared a poem about God's beauty. A little while before I wrote the blog and was spending my time alone with God, I was praying and God gave me some words for a poem. And since I am never so sure of myself, (we can always be sure of God), I didn't put the poem I wrote yesterday in my blog. I found someone else's instead. But today I will share the poem that I wrote yesterday with God's guidance. I am not sure it is any good in my own human mind but since God gave me the words, it is good, at least enough for Him. So here goes:

"We may think we are doing the right thing,
but the LORD always knows what is in our hearts."
Proverbs 21:2

          THE HEART
Give your heart to Jesus
Let's do more for Hm.
We all have gifts and talents
And we must turn from sin.

Our lives were made by God
He gave us all He had
The least that we can do
Is give Him all our bad.

We must deny ourselves
Take up our cross every day
Following Him is a must
His Word is the best He can say.

We can't add to His Word
It is perfect in every way
Our lives are a witness for Him
This isn't some kind of play.

So give your best to Jesus
He loves you more than you know
Give your heart to Jesus 
And into the world we'll go.

Tell others of God's love
Do as much as you can
We don't have much time
Go into all the land.

And now our days are short
And we're tired but full of trust
Because God's love is amazing 
He gave His heart to us.

So, there you have it. I hope you like it and you hear the loving message in it. Jesus is the Healer of our hearts. And salvation is the healing balm that only God can give. 

I pray that God can use the poem to propel someone to receive Him and live for Him and tell others of His love.

Have a tremendous day!




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