Good morning!

Blessings to you! When I started this blog at the end of October in 2012, the whole object was to tell you what God is doing in my life, that it might encourage you. And I pray that it has. I am going to actually repost what I posted that very first blog. 

Use it as a reminder that we all go through stuff. And also let it encourage you as it has me just reading it again. And God can do so much in our lives and He will answer prayer, which He has. He can give us a new beginning. Some time we need to go back to the beginning so that we can see where God has brought us. So, here it is. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Tuesday October 30, 2012

Well, how do you start your blog? First of all, I want you to know that I have been praying for God to somehow use me ever since I resigned from my job in May. I have felt lonely, lost, unworthy and many things since then. A lot happened at that time. My Dad and Step mom, moved to another state after being next door for about 15 years. My Avon manager of many years was changed as well as my district. My husband gave up pastoring a church of 4 years so we lost our church family although we gained our home church family back. Praise the Lord for that! There were a few more things that happened at the same time but my memory has escaped me. Maybe that is for the best because I might get depressed again. Which I did go through a time of feeling really down. The doctor wanted me to take anti-depressants so I took the prescription but never got it filled. I decided to let God work in me. I will never be perfect and am so far from it but you know what? God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I have to depend on and trust Him completely. So, in my imperfection I do the best I know how, which I pray gets better every day.

I have been writing in a journal for many, many years. These books are filled with my prayer requests, wants, and needs in prayer form to the Lord, my God. Sometimes I go back and read some days entries to see what God has done and how my prayers have been answered, or not. So, I keep praying and journalling and try to wait on the Lord the best I can. Because you know what? He will never leave us or forsake us, always hears us, is always there for us, and most important, He will always love us. You can take that to the bank! 

As time goes on I will tell you bits and pieces of what God has done for me in my life. You may know some of these things but you may not. You may get bored with this but you may not. But God told me this morning what I can do at this time in my life for Him. I was praying "Lord what can I do for you? How can I help people?" I heard Him say in my spirit "Write a blog." Oh no Lord! I can't do that. "Yes, you can. Do it for me. I will help you." So, here I am trying to do what He said. I will try to bring some love and encouragement to you everyday from our Savior. Some days I may be long-winded. Some days I may be short but I hope to bring you what God wants. 

   Here is a beautiful picture of the fall trees in our area.        

                                                    You may not get the beautiful seasons where you live. 

So, now I will go exercise and try to obtain my optimum health for my temple.

Thanks for reading. And remember Jesus loves you forever and for always!

May God bless you and keep you and give you peace! From Numbers 6:24-26.

Blessings,     Les    (lesbear)


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