Good morning this rainy Tuesday morning!

Heard that we are going to have a lot of rain and cooler weather this whole summer. That will be a nice change as far as summers go. Praise the Lord! This is via the farmer's almanac someone told me. 

I had mentioned awhile back that I would be using this blog for another purpose instead of writing two blogs. While on the Choctaw mission trip, starting Sunday I will be blogging about the mission trip. I will post pictures as I can. It is a very, very busy week so I will do my best to share what is happening in Choctaw, MS. We leave on Saturday but my mission posts will start on Sunday morning. I will try to post by 10 AM. 

Like I mentioned before, my husband and I are the team leaders so being extremely busy and tired are what happens. I tried to write a blog last year while on the trip but after just a few days, I didn't have the time. Since I have this engrained in me everyday already it should be much easier. I will tell you that the tiredness is worth every second of the mission trip. God always does amazing things while we are there.

So, please pray for our team of 24: that God would be lifted up and glorified, that He would give us supernatural peace, strength, stamina, health, and safety and everything else that we will need. And especially that the Choctaw people that we will be ministering to will have open hearts and open minds. Praise be to God!

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, 
baptizing them in the name of the Father and
 of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  
Matthew 28:19

This is what we do every year on this trip. We do the best we can to go and tell the Choctaw people about Jesus and share His love with them. Unfortunately, we are only there for a week. So, we pray that the churches there will do their part to teach them how to be disciples. That is our prayer.

I found this online and wanted to share it, by Reuven and Yanit Ross.

"A disciple is... one who sits at the feet of another to learn of him and to become like him. The goal of making disciples is to bring people into a relationship with the Lord where they sit at His feet, listen to His voice, grow to know Him intimately, and become like Him. 

A disciple of Jesus... loves Him with ALL of his heart, soul, mind, and strength! His prayer is "Lord, I am available to You. Anything, anytime, anywhere!" A disciple does not just add Jesus to the periphery of his life; his life revolves around Him! 

Disciple-making is... the strategic, intentional impartation of God’s Word into another person through personal involvement."

That is what I want to be all the days of my life: a disciple of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior.

Is that what you want too? I hope so. At least I am praying that you do.

Have an awesome day!

Les (lesbear)


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