Good morning to you this fine day!
The Lord is my strength and song, And He has
become my salvation; He is my God, and I will
praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
Exodus 15:2

What a great day here in Choctaw! We really have a hard working team. The youth on the team are really having a good time this year together. They are laughing and having a great time. Such a great time that the rest of us can’t even hear each other talking. It is really kind of comical. But I praise God for our young people. They are the future of the church.

At VBS tonight we had about 115 in attendance. I’m actually not for sure because my husband was counting the classes for refreshments and I never saw the total number. Now this is not even including our team of 24.  

Some of the kids were a little rowdy last night. But we usually have that when the numbers go up. One of the things that happened the night before last was that there was no air conditioning in the sanctuary. Well, there sort of was but by the end of night it was totally out. And last night there was no air at all. A guy was called to come out and fix it and never showed up.

I have said before that God is in control. And He sure is. I praise His Holy Name!

This has been a great week so far and I know it will continue to be.

One thing I had not done before was shop for 24 people. I went to Wally World to buy groceries and we over-filled 4 baskets. As much as I loved having a team of 37 in the last couple years, I didn’t have to do any of the grocery shopping. I have a hard enough time shopping just for my husband and myself. Cooking and food are not my forte.
It is a good thing that we don’t have to cook in Heaven because we might starve. Well, maybe we do but I know for a fact that God will supply all our needs, as He does now, and  with Living Water. Praise God!

What an awesome God we serve!
Have a fantastic day!
Les (lesbear)


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