Good morning on this fine day!

God is so good, God is so good, He’s so good to me. (To us.)
But the Lord is faithful, who will establish
you and guard you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3

Well, last night was the first night of VBS on the Choctaw Reservation. It has been rather chaotic but then the first day usually is. The evil one has been very busy working on us but Jesus has the victory. All kinds of things happened which I won’t get into. But as I said God is so good. He is in control and we will resist the devil and he will flee from us. May God be glorified.

Last night at VBS we started our first night with 89 Choctaw kids and adults. There were 9 adults. That is a great first night. The kids were so good. That is very unusual. Pastor Daniel and Sybil from this church where we have VBS, Great Spirit Methodist Church, gave them a talking to and they mostly listened. Praise the Lord! Only a few wayward children.
It was really great. I can’t praise the Lord enough. I will post pictures with this also. I hope that you enjoy.

And after a great night's sleep, I am really thankful. None of us slept the best the first night here but no one is getting up as early this morning. And that is a great thing. We need our sleep. A mission trip is a very tiring environment: hot, busy, can be stressful, etc. But tonight should be a lot smoother. With one night under our belt, it is easier to know what to expect especially for the ones who have never been with us before, or never been on a mission trip before. Sometimes it is the unknown that keeps people in their comfort zones.
But you know what? God wants to take us out of our comfort zones in order for us to totally trust Him. He is the only one that we can lean on completely. Praise be to God, our Father!
Have a wonderful day! We will!
Les (lesbear)



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