Good morning to you on this blessed Monday!

I pray that all is well with you. I also hope that you had a wonderful weekend and for all the Dad's a wonderful Father's Day.

Yesterday was also my daughter and son-in-law's 6th anniversary as well as a friend of mine. What a blessed day!

I am afraid that I had a melt-down yesterday afternoon. I was just so tired and a little stressed. I should know better than to work on something important when I am tired. And my poor husband gets the awful experience. We have been married 37 years last month and how the man puts up with me is a miracle. And for both my husband and myself:

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is
 impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 
Matthew 19:26

It is only by the grace of God that we get through life and all its ups and downs. During the downs, I get down and can get negative. It seems to be when I am really tired. I certainly don't want to be that way. I have always been a pretty positive person but as I get older things seem to get me down more and I am more tired. But with God's help I can do this. I can do life with all its temptations and ups and downs.

I want to be like Christ. I need to spend more time in His Word, reading, studying, and praying. When I do that and really seek Him, I will get there one day at a time. Sometimes I pray and ask God to make me a better Christian woman, better wife, better mother, better Grammie, better daughter, etc. I haven't arrived and I know I won't until I see Jesus in Heaven. And when that day comes I will be that better person that God has called me to be. I will be praising and worshiping Him every second of every day. I will be rejoicing and thanking Him at the same time. And the things of today will be no more.

And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, 
“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
 and He will dwell with them, and they shall be 
His people. God Himself will be with them and be 
their God. And God will wipe away every tear 
from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor 
sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for 
the former things have passed away.”
Revelation 21:3-4 

Oh, what a glorious day that will be when Jesus splits the skies and we see Him as He is, and He will take us away to His Kingdom and we will live with Him for eternity.
Are you ready? Think about it!

Have a glorious day!

Les (lesbear)



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