Good morning on this great Saturday morning!
All is well that ends well! I haven't heard that saying in years. It just came to me. But it is true. The mission trip ended great except for saying goodbye to the Choctaw people and to our team mates. That is always sad and hard. We will see some of both again and some we will never see again. Some people won't be back as team mates. It may be too hot for them or too much work for them or too many bugs for them. But I will pray for them all. That God has touched them this week and changed their lives forever. Maybe through the faces of the children or from the children seeking their love with the hugs and such. However there is a change, I do hope it is for the good.
And maybe some of the children won't be back. Sometimes if they get in trouble they get moved to another family members home. Or in one case years ago, someone was moved to the OBCI (Oklahoma Band of Choctaw Indians). Or they get moved to another community. There are 8 officially recognized Choctaw Indian communities. They are not all on one piece of land. They are spread throughout the state. Pearl River, where the mission is located, is the largest Choctaw community, and is the site of Tribal Government Headquarters. Anyway, some of the children we possibly might not see again.
So, this has been an awesome week teaching, learning, loving, sharing, and being the people that God has called us to be,
You also, like living stones, are being built into a
spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering
spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5
We have given of ourselves to God and the Choctaw people and to our team mates for one week. Just one week, which went by very fast. The first two days go slow and then boom it is over. We all arrived home safely, had a great time, and now for me there is much to do to finish up this trip and then it is time to start working on next year's trip.
But this is the kind of things I love to do. And I try my best to do it all for the glory of God.
I do thank everyone who went on this trip, for working so hard, despite any difficulties, and for making this the best year ever. And I thank you, my reader, for sharing in this and praying for us. Probably for a while longer I may mention this trip in the blog. But it is a part of my life where God was there and impacted my life for the better, which is the only way He works. So, I praise Him most of all for what He has done and for all He does.
Have an awesome day!
Les (lesbear)
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