Good morning on this blessed day!

I pray that the eyes of your heart 
may be enlightened in order that you 
may know the hope to which he has called 
you, the riches of his glorious 
inheritance in his holy people,
Ephesians 1:18

Saw on the news this morning about a church in Alabama who put up billboards all over the city about Jesus. One of them in particular said, "Strip for me! Hebrews 12:1. signed 'Jesus.'" It was put up right next door to a strip club. There is some controversy about the billboard. Here is the scripture. It sounds logical to me. And the church is standing up for what is right.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such 
a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
Hebrews 12:1 NLT

They interviewed the pastor and he said as much as he could about the Lord. And He also said "who would have thought that a little guy like me could have been on national news talking about Jesus." That is what it is all about. Talking about Jesus. What He has done for us! Do we do it enough? Do we do it every chance we get? Or do we only talk about Jesus to those that we know are Christians?

Well, while we think about that a bit, let's do our last two from our sabbath list of rest and worship. 

# 16: Read -- with your feet up -- you may just fall asleep. C.S. Lewis said, "You can't get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." How nice would that be! But it is a great thing to do every once in a while along with the other items on the list to rest and refresh and renew.

One summer when I was working at the school, I decided I would do some reading. Well, one thing lead to another and that was all I did all summer. I got nothing else done. I loved it but I got very lazy. So, the best thing to do is only do it periodically or you won't get any chores done. But do it!

And # 17, last but not least: Get yourself a lap dog or a cat, and take a nap together. "Doing more may make us feel holy," Barbara Brown Taylor writes, "but even if you spent one whole day being good for nothing you would still be precious in God's sight." So, that sounds really nice. Our dog is too big for that but she does like to lay in the room with me. We don't have any indoor cats anymore but maybe we can fix that. The nap sounds heavenly.

So, in the days ahead of stress and busyness, take time out for a sabbath. 17 suggestions on the practice of saying no: sabbath have given you many ideas on how to pray and rest in Jesus and be refreshed and renewed. 

If you haven't seen any of these suggestions, go back to March 15 and that is the first day that I wrote about these things. I hope you have enjoyed them and that you have gotten ideas on how to say no  and bring the discipline and gift of sabbath into your life. And don't forget to "go and tell."

Jesus loves you and so do I!

Have a blessed day!

Les (lesbear)


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