MOMENTS-3/27/13 #1

Good morning to you on this fine 
day that the Lord has made!

May we rejoice and be glad in it! I pray that you had a blessed night. We went to an Easter week service last night at our sister church. It was a sing. It was great! We sang unto the Lord the typical death and resurrection songs and then some. If you don't sing to the Lord in your quiet time, at least do it corporately, in other words, in church, with others, in unity.

# 14 of our sabbath is: Share a quiet and simple meal with someone you love, or someone you'd like to get to know better, someone you miss, someone who makes you laugh. "In my youth, growing up in a Jewish milieu," Abraham Heschel writes, "there was one thing we did not have to look for and that was exaltation. Every moment is great, we were taught, every moment is unique."

It sounds so simple to do this. But for some of us it is not. In my house my husband doesn't want to sit at the dining room table but on the couch with TV trays. Ugh! I just follow suit but that is not what I would like to do. Sometimes I put the food out on the table (not often enough) and don't even say a word. I know that is not how he likes it. Of course, right now we can't sit at the table because it has become my sewing room. I have been sewing many, many bags for our ladies conference. Anyway, so eating there is out. As soon as I am finished, it will go back to eating only. And I plan to serve dinner there on a more regular basis.

# 15 sabbath is: Spend time in a garden without working: say no to weeding for now. "I like to be there then -- sitting, listening for the symphony that will come, watching for the light that has been promised, waiting for the show to begin. I am astonished and grateful each time to have been plopped down into this little corner of the Eden given again to us all each day." (Robert Benson, Digging In: Tending to Life in Your Own Backyard)

We do forget to smell the roses or tomatoes or corn, so to speak. It is very relaxing to watch the garden grow. But for me it is harder to watch when there are weeds in my rows. 

But God doesn't care about the weeds in our gardens. But He does want us to rest, worship, and enjoy, and get the weeds taken care of in our lives. If we don't rest and don't enjoy, what is the point. If we are so stressed, we won't enjoy life. I believe that God meant for us to enjoy Him and so then enjoy life because He gave it to us.

I really like what Heschel said above, that 
Every moment is great! Every moment is unique! 
If we really looked at life that way, we would probably enjoy it so much more.

My salvation and my honor depend on 
God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Psalm 62:7

And because of his glory and excellence, he has given 
us great and precious promises. These are the promises 
that enable you to share his divine nature and escape 
the world’s corruption caused by human desires.
2 Peter 1:4

Have an awesome day! Let the Son shine!

Les (lesbear)


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