Good morning to you!

God's blessings upon you today and everyday. Our God is an awesome God! Worship Him and Him only!

I had the blessing of spending a couple of days with my son and family. I have mentioned before that they go to a fairly large church. How awesome is their worship time. Yesterday was the second in an Easter series that is three part, culminating on Easter Sunday. The sermon is put together in three parts with the sermon, a drama video, and the choir with soloists. It is very meaningful. The first week my daughter-in-law sang one of the solos. It was beautiful. I wasn't there but I watched it on the Internet. As I said big churches can do big things.

I had a blast with my grandsons. They are so sweet and silly all mixed up together and I love them dearly. 

I drove home yesterday in the rain and fog. Ooh! That wasn't much fun but God got me home safely. Then a few hours later we went to a funeral. It was very nice but sad. When a loved one goes home with Jesus, the family really misses them. The days ahead will be hard for them. But God will give them peace and comfort.

Anyway, when we were ready to leave it was raining pretty hard and we didn't have an umbrella. Instead of my husband bringing the car under the portico he had me run for the car. Well, outside the door the wind was blowing the rain sideways and I was trying to put my coat on in the rain. I had my purse on my shoulder trying to put the coat on over that and I got all tangled up. Oh, it was silly. Unfortunately, I was outside in front of the window with a whole room full of people ready to leave. I pray that they were talking and not looking at me. How embarrassing!

Back to # 9 of the sabbath days of rest and worship: Teach a child to say no to all things electronic, at least for a little while. Spend some time together, playing with a toy that doesn't require batteries, light up or make a sound (if you can find one). This one is a hard one. Some kids now days have every elecrtonic toy known to man. It really is kind of sad. They don't learn the art of imagination or how to play alone.

# 10 is: Sit on your porch or front step or deck or out in the back yard and listen for what you usually miss. "In the eyes of the world, there is no payoff for sitting on the porch," Barbara Brown Taylor writes, "In the eyes of the true God, the porch is imperative -- not every now and then but on a regular basis."

So, enjoy your children and grandchildren. Play with them. Sit on the porch with them or sit alone and enjoy the wonders of the creation God made. And worship Him!

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:20 

Have a great day! Maybe it will snow!

Les (lesbear)


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