Good morning on this great day! 

We do have a light layering of snow this morning. It is really pretty but it would be prettier if we had more. Now I know some of you don't like the snow. But you have to like it because God makes it.

I am blessed to be able to go on a women's conference in Pensacola in the near future. It is a special time with God and my daughter. We get to share it together and it is a birthday gift from her husband and us. I can't wait! If you have never been to a Christian men's or women's conference, you need to go. What a blessed time with the Lord, hearing His Word, worshiping God in song and prayer, fellowship with others. It is great. I have been to many through the years. And it is a great way to get our of your comfort zone.

I am blessed to get to go to a wonderful Bible conference at a church a couple of hours from here every September and we have one at our church every May. This will be the eighth year at our church where we average about 60 women. The one we go to in September the average is about 175-200 women. The one in Pensacola is at a place that holds 10,000 people. So, that should be awesome! I have been to many places for Christian conferences that even hold up to 22,000 people. How awesome when you have that many people worshiping God together! That is because we have an awesome God!

My husband goes to these sorts of things periodically for men. And he has loved them also. Imagine lots and lots of men worshiping and praising God together. He said it is an awesome sight. He went to one PromiseKeepers Conference in Atlanta and there were about 70,000 men. Wow!

Anyway, the point of mentioning all of this is the specialness (is that a word?) of spending time with God in this way, studying His Word, worshiping and praising Him,  spending time with family or friends in this kind of setting, and getting out of our comfort zone. It is really awesome. God calls us to do things we sometimes don't want to do.

For instance, Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-16 was told to wash himself in the Jordan seven times and he would be healed. He didn't want to do it. He thought once would be enough and he could do it anywhere. But he finally did it and was healed. What about when Jonah was told to go to Nineveh to tell of impending doom unless they turned to God. We all know he didn't want to do it and ended up in the belly of a whale. He finally did it but he still didn't want to do it. I think he had an attitude problem.

We need to work on our comfort zone areas. When I started teaching music almost 13 years ago, I thought, no I can't do that. God opened the door for me in an awesome way but I wasn't sure I could do it. I was very nervous about it but said yes and spent a wonderful 12 years doing that. I won't say I loved every minute of it. Actually I did. I loved what I did. I just didn't care for the way children are now days. It is very different and hard. But I did what God called me to do for a time and then that time ended.

When I started going on mission trips, that was definitely getting out of my comfort zone. Now I never want to go back to before going on them. Doing mission work is definitely a calling of God. He is there with you. He helps you all along the way. He ministers to you. He fills you up to overflowing with His love and His presence and He blesses you unbelievably. It is such a special time!

Jesus’ methods to get you and me out of our COMFORT ZONES and watch over our lives are often NOT the way we would do it, but OBEDIENCE to God’s ways will bring about His desired RESULTS and FRUIT in our lives.

 Proverbs 16:9 says it so well,

“A man’s heart plans his way, but 
the LORD directs his steps”.

Whatever God tells you to do that affects your comfort zone, it is for the GREATER GOOD OF YOU and the Body of Christ. God is NOT telling us to get out of our COMFORT ZONES to make our lives miserable.


So open your heart to what God has for you and get out of your comfort zone. If you sense God is leading you “out of your comfort zone” and whatever that means for you, be OBEDIENT to Him.
 If that is where God wants you, it is the BEST place to be

And when you are where God wants you to be, that is special!

Have an especially awesome day!

Les (lesbear)


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