Good morning to you!

May God grant you love and peace on this blessed day that the Lord has made. We have a very thin layer of snow on the ground and it is flurrying a little bit but later this morning it is supposed to clear up to a sunshiny day. As I have said before I love the snow.

When our son was a baby we moved to Northern California. We were to work in a lodge that was my step-grandfather's place. We were in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with elevation about 5,000 some odd feet. Every winter we got feet of snow, maybe 3 feet, maybe 5 feet. It was beautiful. It was fun. But after a couple of years it got kind of tiring. You couldn't go anywhere or do anything. But we didn't do much anyway. And boy you really had to bundle up to go outside. The lodge closed every year from New Years Day until sometime in March.

During the closed time, my husband would get a job in Truckee, CA or in Reno, Nevada and have to drive a couple of hours through lots of snow to work. One morning he left for work at 3 AM because of the snow. It took a lot of time to get to work so he had to leave really early. A couple of hours later, it was still dark, I woke up to someone coming in the front door. He came in the bedroom and it was my husband. He had rolled in the ice and off the road down in the ditch and totaled the car. He was there for a little while until a big truck came along and picked him up and brought him home. Praise God my husband survived that accident. The police said if it had not been for his seat belt he wouldn't be here with us today. I praise God for being with him and protecting him that day long ago. He actually didn't even have a scratch on him. God is good all the time.

It is things like that that you look back on and see God at work. It was a miracle that my husband was found in the dark, in the snow, off the road in a ditch, and that someone happened along to find him. With feet of snow on the ground people were not on the road. I can't praise God enough. It was a long time ago, maybe 30 years or so and I haven't thought of that for years. 

God brought that to my mind to share with you so that you would know it is never too late to praise God again and again and to remember what He has done. Because I guarantee if you look back you can see God's handiwork in your life. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise 
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have 
done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1 cup overflows. Surely your goodness 
and love will follow me all the days of 
my life,and I will dwell in the 
house of the Lor forever.
Psalm 23:5b-6 

 for the Mighty One has done great 
things for me-- holy is his name.
Luke 1:49  

Have an awesome day!


Good morning to you!

May God grant you love and peace on this blessed day that the Lord has made. We have a very thin layer of snow on the ground and it is flurrying a little bit but later this morning it is supposed to clear up to a sunshiny day. As I have said before I love the snow.

When our son was a baby we moved to Northern California. We were to work in a lodge that was my step-grandfather's place. We were in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with elevation about 5,000 some odd feet. Every winter we got feet of snow, maybe 3 feet, maybe 5 feet. It was beautiful. It was fun. But after a couple of years it got kind of tiring. You couldn't go anywhere or do anything. But we didn't do much anyway. And boy you really had to bundle up to go outside. The lodge closed every year from New Years Day until sometime in March.

During the closed time, my husband would get a job in Truckee, CA or in Reno, Nevada and have to drive a couple of hours through lots of snow to work. One morning he left for work at 3 AM because of the snow. It took a lot of time to get work so he had to leave really early. A couple of hours later, it was still dark, I woke up to someone coming in the front door. He came in the bedroom and it was my husband. He had rolled in the ice and off the road down in the ditch and totaled the car. He was there for a little while until a big truck came along and picked him up and brought him home. Praise God my husband survived that accident. The police said if it had not been for his seatbelt he wouldn't be here with us today. I praise God for being with him and protecting him that day long ago. He actually didn't even have a scratch on him. God is good all the time.

It is things like that that you look back on and see God at work. It was a miracle that my husband was found in the dark, in the snow, off the road in a ditch, and that someone happened along to find him. With feet of snow on the ground people are not on the road. I can't praise God enough. It was a long time ago, maybe 30 years or so and I haven't thought of that for years. But God brought that to my mind to share with you so that you would know it is never too late to praise God again and again and to remember what He has done. Because I guarantee if you look back you can see God's handiwork in your life. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise 
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have 
done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1 cup overflows. Surely your goodness 
and love will follow me all the days of 
my life,and I will dwell in the 
house of the Lor forever.
Psalm 23:5b-6 

 for the Mighty One has done great 
things for me-- holy is his name.
Luke 1:49  

Have an awesome day!


Good morning to you!

May God grant you love and peace on this blessed day that the Lord has made. We have a very thin layer of snow on the ground and it is flurrying a little bit but later this morning it is supposed to clear up to a sunshiny day. As I have said before I love the snow.

When our son was a baby we moved to Northern California. We were to work in a lodge that was my step-grandfather's place. We were in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with elevation about 5,000 some odd feet. Every winter we got feet of snow, maybe 3 feet, maybe 5 feet. It was beautiful. It was fun. But after a couple of years it got kind of tiring. You couldn't go anywhere or do anything. But we didn't do much anyway. And boy you really had to bundle up to go outside. The lodge closed every year from New Years Day until sometime in March.

During the closed time, my husband would get a job in Truckee, CA or in Reno, Nevada and have to drive a couple of hours through lots of snow to work. One morning he left for work at 3 AM because of the snow. It took a lot of time to get work so he had to leave really early. A couple of hours later, it was still dark, I woke up to someone coming in the front door. He came in the bedroom and it was my husband. He had rolled in the ice and off the road down in the ditch and totaled the car. He was there for a little while until a big truck came along and picked him up and brought him home. Praise God my husband survived that accident. The police said if it had not been for his seatbelt he wouldn't be here with us today. I praise God for being with him and protecting him that day long ago. He actually didn't even have a scratch on him. God is good all the time.

It is things like that that you look back on and see God at work. It was a miracle that my husband was found in the dark, in the snow, off the road in a ditch, and that someone happened along to find him. With feet of snow on the ground people are not on the road. I can't praise God enough. It was a long time ago, maybe 30 years or so and I haven't thought of that for years. But God brought that to my mind to share with you so that you would know it is never too late to praise God again and again and to remember what He has done. Because I guarantee if you look back you can see God's handiwork in your life. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise 
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have 
done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1 cup overflows. Surely your goodness 
and love will follow me all the days of 
my life,and I will dwell in the 
house of the Lor forever.
Psalm 23:5b-6 

 for the Mighty One has done great 
things for me-- holy is his name.
Luke 1:49  

Have an awesome day!


Good morning to you!

May God grant you love and peace on this blessed day that the Lord has made. We have a very thin layer of snow on the ground and it is flurrying a little bit but later this morning it is supposed to clear up to a sunshiny day. As I have said before I love the snow.

When our son was a baby we moved to Northern California. We were to work in a lodge that was my step-grandfather's place. We were in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with elevation about 5,000 some odd feet. Every winter we got feet of snow, maybe 3 feet, maybe 5 feet. It was beautiful. It was fun. But after a couple of years it got kind of tiring. You couldn't go anywhere or do anything. But we didn't do much anyway. And boy you really had to bundle up to go outside. The lodge closed every year from New Years Day until sometime in March.

During the closed time, my husband would get a job in Truckee, CA or in Reno, Nevada and have to drive a couple of hours through lots of snow to work. One morning he left for work at 3 AM because of the snow. It took a lot of time to get work so he had to leave really early. A couple of hours later, it was still dark, I woke up to someone coming in the front door. He came in the bedroom and it was my husband. He had rolled in the ice and off the road down in the ditch and totaled the car. He was there for a little while until a big truck came along and picked him up and brought him home. Praise God my husband survived that accident. The police said if it had not been for his seatbelt he wouldn't be here with us today. I praise God for being with him and protecting him that day long ago. He actually didn't even have a scratch on him. God is good all the time.

It is things like that that you look back on and see God at work. It was a miracle that my husband was found in the dark, in the snow, off the road in a ditch, and that someone happened along to find him. With feet of snow on the ground people are not on the road. I can't praise God enough. It was a long time ago, maybe 30 years or so and I haven't thought of that for years. But God brought that to my mind to share with you so that you would know it is never too late to praise God again and again and to remember what He has done. Because I guarantee if you look back you can see God's handiwork in your life. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise 
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have 
done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1 cup overflows. Surely your goodness 
and love will follow me all the days of 
my life,and I will dwell in the 
house of the Lor forever.
Psalm 23:5b-6 

 for the Mighty One has done great 
things for me-- holy is his name.
Luke 1:49  

Have an awesome day!



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