Good morning on this great day!

Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ. 
1 Peter 5:14

I pray that all is well with you. Did you see all the excitement of the choosing of the new pope? We had the news on all afternoon. Even though I am not Catholic it was interesting to hear how they chose him and about his life. It sounds as though he will be a very spiritual pope and he seems to be a very humble man. 

He is from Argentina. He is the very first pope from the Americas although he is of Italian heritage. Many, many Italians have immigrated to Argentina. After he was chosen and it was announced, he asked for prayer from the people and when they prayed for him he bowed down on his knees. 

Do we as God's people drop to our knees to pray? Jesus did. I have before and I have gone to the altar in church and got to my knees. But on a regular basis do I pray on my knees? No, I don't. In days past there was more of a reverence when talking to God. In the olden days, we would bow on our knees at the bedside to pray before we would go to bed. Now I just get in bed and pray before I go to sleep. 

The Bible doesn't say we have to pray on our knees. Daniel got on his knees and prayed three times a day. In Acts Peter got to his knees and prayed. Several people fell on their knees in front of Jesus before they talked to Him. I think that it is a reverence before God to pray on our knees. Also, a humbleness to get on our knees when we forget about ourselves and humble ourselves before the Lord.

Dr. Charles Stanley says, "When we humbly seek the Lord through prayer, we invite Him to take the lead in our situation and accomplish His plan. He may direct us in ways that surprise us, but they will be for our good and His glory. In one of my situations, God instructed me not to argue or defend myself. My part was to pray. It was hard to be silent, but I trusted Him, followed His lead, and watched Him resolve the situation.

Praying on our knees reminds us that God is the Master and we are His servants. He knows all things, while our perspective is narrow. He is also all-powerful-He can penetrate hard hearts and closed minds. We cannot. Let’s make prayer a regular part of our day and watch what happens."

So, praying on our knees is not a command but it does remind us that God is in control and in charge. And if we humble ourselves before Him, He can move mountains.

Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

Les (lesbear)


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