Good morning to you!

May all be well with you today in the Name of Jesus! The weather has been gorgeous, hasn't it? At least here in TN anyway. The nights have been so cool and the day was 68* yesterday. The weather has been so different this year but I guess each year is always a little different. But I am enjoying it however it is. The spring is my favorite season. Because of all the rain that we have had this year, the flowers and greenery have been gorgeous. A very colorful spring!

But God is in control and He knows we needed something different and colorful. Remember He said this through Luke.

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they 
neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to 
you, even Solomon in all his glory was 
not arrayed like one of these.
Luke 12:27

How glorious are the flowers? How beautiful are these? But they do take over sometimes. It is amazing how in dryer climates you do have weeds and trees but they don't take over like they do in the south. If you are not careful they can take over your yard and your house. It takes a lot of upkeep to keep them from overrunning everything.

Well, sin and temptation is like that. You can get caught up in them very easy. They can start out small and then if you are not careful, they can take over your life. They can bury you. 

So, we need to pray without ceasing, read and study God's Word, fellowship with other believers, and worship Him in spirit and truth. If we continually do these things, then God is in us and we have taken steps to resist the devil.

Therefore submit to God. Resist the 
devil and he will flee from you.
James 4:7

Enjoy the beauty around you, "take time to smell the roses", and submit to God.

Have a blessed day!



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