Good morning on this wonderful Friday!

How great Thou art! How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Oh God! Thank you, Oh God, for everything you have given us! Blessed be Your Name!

Praise the Lord Oh my soul! Hear this song.

I have wanted to praise the Lord a lot lately because He is worthy. He is worthy to be praised. No matter what we are going through God is good. He is awesome. He hears our prayers and answers them. Now they may not be what we want or expect but He knows what we need and what is best for us. He knows who we are all the way to knowing the number of hairs on our head. He created us and made us who we are and He made us in His own image. How great is that?

When we are having difficulties in our life, and we don't feel worthy, remember it is not about us, it is about Jesus. If we can just think about Him and not ourselves. I know that is really hard to do but that is what it will take to bring us through it. When God brings us to it, (that point in our life),  then He will bring us through it. He knows us from the inside out and the outside in. And there is nothing that He cannot do. Remember:

                  For with God nothing shall be impossible.
                                          Luke 1:37 

NOTHING is impossible with God—NOTHING!!!  Sometimes He brings us to the end of ourselves so that we can fully rely on Him by seeing how limited we are and how unlimited He is…
                  “For nothing is impossible with God.” 

Have a blessed day believing in Jesus!

Les (lesbear)


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