Good morning to you!

Did you have a good night? We had a delicious hamburger dinner at church last night before we had a board meeting. Cooking your own hamburgers is so much better than fast food hamburgers. They don't compare.

When things get tough, go to God. When things are crazy, go to God. Sometimes in life when it rains it pours. Remember years and years ago the saying, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling." This was from the children's fable Chicken Little, or Henny Penny, depending on where you come from, from when I was a kid. Well, sometimes that is how life seems. Like everything is caving in on you. Day after day it gets harder and harder. 

But to make it simple, give it to God. He is in control. And though this thought is really not that easy to do, we need to do it anyway. God loves us and cares about our sky falling. He wants to help us through it. But we have to go to Him and tell Him all about it and then trust Him to guide you through it. And there will be light at the end of the tunnel. 

Don't let the devil steal your joy! Don't let the devil stop you from serving Jesus. That is what the devil wants, for you to chuck it all and give in to him. Don't do it! 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 

We have to trust God, that when He brings us to it, He will bring us through it. Now He doesn't cause bad things to happen to us but we live in a sinful, fallen world and bad stuff happens to good people. Have we opened the door for evil to creep in? Or has it just happened. However it happens, it happens. We just need to go to God and then trust Him. As best we know how. And as hard as it is to wait, wait on Him!

And remember this: Jesus is our King!

Have a wonderful day!

Les (lesbear)


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