Good morning to you!

This will be a very busy day for us. Our son and family are supposed to come tomorrow. I am so excited. But I don't know for sure yet. Do I clean or not? Do I shop for all the groceries they need or not? I will have to depend on the Lord to do what I need to do. And then we are going out tonight so that is 4 or 5 hours that I won't have to clean.

                    Lead me in your truth and teach me 
                    because you are Elohim, my savior. 
                             I wait all day long for you.
                                        Psalm 25:5

O Yahweh, our Adonay, how majestic 
is your name throughout the earth! 
Psalm 8:1

A new Bible has come out. It is The Names of God Bible. Most English translations of the Bible refer to the Creator with just a handful of well-known terms: God, Lord, and LORD. But behind these titles is a wide range of colorful and evocative Hebrew and Aramaic names for God—names like Yahweh, El Shadday, El Elyon, and Adonay.

While the titles “God” and “Lord” are perfectly acceptable translations, they have the effect of obscuring the variety of the original titles and names used to describe God. So, this translation restores thousands of names and titles to their Hebrew equivalent. The result is a unique reading experience in which you’ll see how the authors of Scripture referred to the living God who inspired and rescued them.

I thought this was really great. To me it adds greatness to God. Not that He wasn't great already but I guess it adds another dimension to the One True God and His awesome Word.

We don't tend to learn all the names of God. Years ago, there was a song out that worshiped God with all His names. I don't know who sang it or when for sure it was, but it was a great song. I think that I tried to find it once before but couldn't. I will try to find it and post it here now. Pause...Well, I can't find it. It was probably 10 years or so ago. I will keep searching for it and post it then. It was really cool a blessing!

Have a wonderful day praising God!

Les (lesbear)


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