Good morning to you on another
day that the Lord has made!
Let us rejoice and be glad in it. God is an awesome God. May He be worshiped, praised, glorified, and honored in everything we do.
As we all know and I have mentioned before, we are coming upon an awesome season of love and family and traditions. It should be full of love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our family, loved ones and friends. We should love to spend time with our families, loved ones, and friends. And we all love those traditions that we have been doing since we can remember. I for one certainly don't want to give up those traditions. It also seems to make it somewhat easier to have traditions because we already know what to do. When it comes to decorating and putting your holidays together, if we have a routine already down pat, then it is less time consuming and not as much hard thinking has to go into an already busy, stressful time.
I seem to put decorations out for Thanksgiving as well as Christmas. And a lot of the time I put some decorations in the same place as the year before so I don't have to search for a different place. That saves time. Of course, I guess for some, it might be a little boring. I like to do the same things every year, eat the same foods, be at the same place. Traditions are things we do over and over again and they are special and they mean so much to us.
I hope that you have traditions in your time with Jesus. That you do the same things every day in order to spend quality time with Him. Pray, read, study, and meditate on His Word, worship Him. Whatever you do, do it with all your heart. Don't take shortcuts. If you need to get up earlier, do it. Isn't Jesus more important than a few minutes of sleep?
I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:13
I think He is worth it. But I don't always do it right. I try. The one thing I do is spend time with Jesus first in the morning. And when I worked I got up at 5 AM so I had plenty of time to spend with Him. And I don't think I ever missed that time in the 12 years I worked at the school. And I certainly praise God for that because I certainly couldn't have done it without Him.
word or deed, do it all in the name
to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
These days I do spend time with Him every morning but I am good at getting sidetracked and every once in a while I start doing something else first. I don't want to but I do. I need to try harder on that because I want to please my God and do the very best I can in everything I do. And do it all for Him and His glory!
Have a marvelous day!
Les (lesbear)
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