Hilton Head Island's Coligny Beach on a stormy day Oct. 8, 2013

Good morning to you!

I pray that you had a great day yesterday. I did although it was a very busy day. And I was exhausted last night. Some days are like that.

We had our board meeting and men's and women's meetings at church last night. I did the program and was talking about loving God first and loving our neighbor as ourselves. I was really nervous since it was the first time I had done it at our church. I feel like I left a lot out and studdered and stammered but maybe that is the evil one trying to get me riled up and second-guess myself. He tries to do that you know. I know that I had a time frame and I still took too long but I pray that I got the message across. 

We are to:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart 
and with all your soul and with all your 
mind and with all your strength.' The 
second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 
There is no commandment greater than these."
Mark 12:30-31

We think loving our neighbor is easy. And maybe for some it is. But some neighbors are unlovable and we are to love them anyway. We love God first and then we love our neighbor who is everyone but God. So, our neighbors are our family, our friends, our neighborhood, our church family, our church neighborhood, people at work, and people we come in contact with wherever we go. That is a lot of neighbors to love. But with God helping us, we can do it.

And helping people is caring for them in kindness and patience and love. Now we are to love them all but helping everyone we come in contact with is not always possible but we do our best. I am going to give you a link to a video about loving your neighbor as yourself. 

We do it all for the glory of God and also need to remember that people are watching us. They are watching us serve God to see how we do it. And maybe they will learn to do it by watching. 

Fill your life with love and abundant life. There are so many people who need that, who need to see that life is a good thing and we can be that example that there are good people out there. And we can be that "good person" to another with love.

Have an tremendous day!

Les (lesbear)


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