Good morning on this blessed, cold day!

It is still dark outside but I know the sun will shine. It is about 15* outside. I don't want to leave my cozy home this morning for church but I get to anyway. And I will live through it. Cold doesn't seem to be my friend anymore. When my skin gets too cold it gets red and itchy and if it gets too bad, it actually gets welts on it. I know it sounds weird but it happens. I don't know if my skin is allergic to the cold but I do get the symptoms. I was told one time by a doctor that it was called chilblains. But I have mentioned it to other doctors and they have never heard of it. All I know is that it happens.

I like winter but I don't like the cold anymore. Oh well. God is with me and loves me just like He loves you more than anything. He will never leave you. He wants to be beside you all the way to eternity. How awesome is that?

I know God is with us. This morning at church I am singing the first verse of a song in solo and I am very nervous. But I know that God hears my cries and will be with me and His voice will come out of my mouth. He will use me in this way. He will be with me and around me in the front, in the back and on the sides. I will not let the enemy get me. Jesus is my first love and that is Who I will focus on, not my ineptitude. 

“Be strong and of a good courage do not fear, 
nor be afraid of them: for the LORD your God, 
He is the One who goes with you; He will 
not fail you, nor forsake you…”
Deuteronomy 31:6

Jesus, You are the answer. You are my life. You are my Savior. You are my provider, my redeemer, my protector. You are Who You are, the great I AM.

And He is those things for you if you let Him. Let Him take you to new heights, to new places. He will be with you. He will take care of you. He will fill you with His love.

Let Him today do these things. He loves you!

Have an outstanding day!

Les (lesbear)


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