Good morning!

Running a little late this morning. Trying to follow a schedule to get better organized. Unfortunately, I have already messed up and running late. Go figure! I will post this and then add to it as I get more done.

It is cool and blustery today. One of those days when you don't want to have to do anything and I have two doctors appts. today. Oh well!

I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night. Something was going on and I couldn't sleep. I had crampings in my body. It was almost like labor pains, about every 15-30 minutes. So, I would doze and then wake up and did that all night long. But most of the time I just laid there.

Have you had nights like that? Where you just lay there but are much too tired to get up and do something.

For God is not a God of confusion but 
of peace. As in all the churches of the saints,  
1 Corinthians 14:33

And the Lord answered me: “Write 
the vision; make it plain on tablets, 
so he may run who reads it. 
Habbakak 2:2

They ministered with song before 
the tabernacle of the tent of meeting
 until Solomon built the house of 
the Lord in Jerusalem, and they performed
 their service according to their order.  
1 Chronicles 6:32

But all things should be done 
decently and in order. 
1 Corinthians 14:40

All these verses have to do with order, organization. In the church we are to be organized, led by the Holy Spirit but organized. There is an order that things should be done. I believe it should be that way in our lives also. 

We should be that way in our homes, and also in our lives. I have always been a list maker. It does help normally but lately it isn't always working. If we are disorganized and disorderly, then our thoughts are also that way, cluttered just like my home. It is hard to focus on the One who gave us life during those times. 

Our Heavenly Father knows what is going on in our lives and He wants us to be peaceful and when we are not organized and such, we are far from peace. I know all these things from personal experience. I have always been an organized person and when planning for others and other things I am pretty organized. But in my life and my home I have gotten far from it. And then I get flustered and impatient with myself and there is no peace.

So, this day let us try to put our lives together in an organized fashion despite the confusion of the world, and do everything "decently and in order".

Have a wonderful day!

Les (lesbear)


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