Poinsettia in Hawaii. They can 
                                                                                       get 20-30 feet tall. Amazing! 

Good morning to you!

How are you this fine and cool day? The little bit of storming we had brought in the cool weather but the fall trees that still have leaves are gorgeous. When I was driving to town yesterday, I actually stopped several places in the middle of the road and took pictures. Obviously, I didn't stop when other cars were around. I guess that is the advantage to living in the middle of nowhere-God's country.

My husband and I still believe that East Tennessee is as gorgeous as Hawaii, different but gorgeous. I will say this, here the trees lose their leaves everywhere. The road ways are all leaves and pine needles the last couple of days. On Wed. and Thurs. it was pretty windy and the leaves are thick on the road. You really have to be careful because it gets pretty slippery especially when turning wet, leafy corners.

The corners we turn in life can get slippery also. We have to be careful where we steer our life. The key words being: "we steer our life." If we follow the straight and narrow path with Jesus, He has our back and He steers our life. Life may not be perfect or even close but He is always with us. And this narrow gate with Him leads to abundant life.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide 
is the gate and broad is the road that leads
 to destruction, and many enter through it. 
 But small is the gate and narrow the road 
that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Matthew 7:13-14

Following the wide gate leads us into the world and to destruction. Oh, Lord, keep us on the straight and narrow pathway. Help us to find it and stay on it, and let us help others to find it. Amen!

May God bless your Saturday and keep you focused on Him and His way!


Les (lesbear)


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