Good morning to you!

May God bless you greatly today and every day! I pray that you have a great day. I was reading in my devotion this morning about how things don't always go as we think they should. We try to do anything and plans can go awry. That happens sometimes. Just because plans don't go the way we want them to doesn't mean they aren't going the way God wants them to. Is He watching to see how we react? I would say that He does. Do we just go on as if nothing changed? Or do we panic and get angry when these things happen opposite of our plans? 

I would say that most of the time I might not be upset, maybe frustrated might be a better word. It really depends on the situation or maybe the reason that things didn't go as planned. I think that I get more upset when it is me who sabotaged my own plans by making things go wrong. I tend to really get upset with myself. I guess I am not as flexible as I hope to be. Doesn't the Bible say blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken? I think not, but it could say that in the beatitudes. Maybe if we had written them we could have added that.

I have always had a little self-esteem thing going on since I was around 19 or 20. If you know me, you may know this but I was married at 18 to a guy who went in the Navy. He drank alot and was not very nice to me. The verbal abuse was awful and the physical abuse was not as bad as it could have been but it was still there somewhat. Anyway, it is funny how those things or the negative aspects anyway stay with you. I have been married, for 36 1/2 years, to a wonderful man who loves me and takes care of me but sometimes the low self-esteem thing kicks in. I don't will it to but it does. I believe it is the evil one who reminds us of things and brings us down if we let him. 

But God is so good and He lifts us up and tells us He loves us and is with us always. He will never let us down even when people do.

Here is a quote from Jack Hayford of Jack Hayford Ministries. Things didn't go as he wanted and an inner voice spoke to him:

"You’re getting old, Jack. Old and inflexible. You don’t want to learn anything new, and you don’t want to change anything settled!  Ouch! I winced, and stopped to talk to Jesus.  He was pinpointing a fact of my personal, mundane experience, which—He said to me—held the portent of an attitude which could begin to warp my spiritual life.  I repented. It was good for me.
Gently, the Lord reminded me of His words in Revelation 21:5: “Behold, I make all things new.” As I pondered that passage, it struck me that the Lord Jesus was not only making a prophetic promise, He was also asserting an ongoing policy. To keep moving with a living Body—and His Church is supposed to be that—you and I are vulnerable to the spiritual experience of a biological fact. I am told by physicians that the human body renews itself every seven years. All of the body’s cells will renew themselves in seven-year cycles—or less.
Through my years of walking with Jesus, I’ve discovered He keeps me in a permanent state of transition. And I’ve learned a little about the potential for joy when you allow the Holy Spirit to keep “flex” in your soul.  I don’t want to become stodgy. Unshapeable. Inflexible. The ongoing working of the Spirit in my life—and yours—will keep us “hanging loose.”
Someone reminded me of those things just the other day. “Blessed are the flexible,” my friend said, “for verily, they shall not be broken.”  I like that.  I might even have someone prepare it in calligraphy and frame it for my wall.  Even if it means moving something else."

What a great idea of being flexible and letting God move His way. If it doesn't go our way, then so be it. God knows best!


A Call to Persevere in Faith

19 Therefore, brothers and sisters, since 
we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new 
and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.
Hebrews 10:19-22

Oh my! Let Jesus cleanse you and make you whole. Let Him fill you with His love and His peace. Let Him shape you in the way He wants. Let Him make you flexible. Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings.

Have a wonderful day!



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