Good morning! God is good all the time and all the time God is good! How can it get any better than that?

You know, I have heard more than one pastor say that when they preach, they are preaching to the congregation but are also preaching to themselves. I have to confess something to you. Yesterday I talked about how plans don't always go as we think they should. And if they don't, how we react can be positive or negative. Well, I blew it yesterday twice. Once I was driving and I was trying to make a few phone calls using the voice activation so I didn't have to punch in the numbers. The call wouldn't go through to the person's number it was supposed to. It kept doing that when I called 2 different people. It upset me so much that I wanted to throw my phone. I did yell at it. A lot of good that did! And then later in the day something else happened and I got upset. I did ask God to forgive me. I felt so bad. I didn't react the way I should have. 
We don't mean to react these negative ways. Sometimes it just happens. And here I thought that I was doing better than that. So, now I will try a lot harder to react in a better way, to trust God, and be flexible.

I have my Christmas music playing as I prepare this blog this morning. I didn't turn the lights on though. My husband is home working in his workshop. He went out at 7 AM at 30*. I am sure it is freezing until he gets the heat going. But he is used to that because he paints in houses in the winter with no heat every year. He carries his kerosene blower heater and heats up the house.

I pray that your plans and preparations are going well as we get closer to Jesus's birthday. I plan to bake a birthday cake for Jesus to share with my grandchildren. Everyone can have some but it will be a special cake to celebrate with them. Are you preparing for this special birthday or are you just going through the commercial motions of Christmas? Please put your focus on Jesus. He is the Reason for the Season. Other sayings are: Wise Men Still Seek Him, Keep Christ in Christmas, Jesus is the Heart of Christmas. They are all true. I am sure there may be more but these are the ones that I can think of now. May Jesus fill you with His love and presence this Christmas. May you think of your family and the presents under the tree as blessings from God. Because they are! I mentioned another day that it is better to give than to receive. And so it is! Jesus gave His all for us!

So, give the blessing of Jesus to others. Tell them about Him this Christmas and what He has done in your life. And if you don't know Jesus, today is the day of salvation. We don't know what tomorrow holds or the next day or the next. Jesus holds the key to the rest of our lives. He is our only hope. In this day and age, He is coming back soon. Are you ready for that? Do you know where you are going when you draw your last breath?

The following essay is from the introduction of Mel Lawrenz’s daily Bible Gateway devotional Christmas Joy:
“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.’” — Luke 2:10-11
A bit of joy will do. But “great joy”? Is it almost too much to hope for? Where did all the Christmas joy go? How did things get so complicated? So rushed? So squeezed and cluttered? It doesn’t have to be that way. We can choose to step aside, step into a quieter moment, and read angel’s words that came on that night that changed the world.
Real joy is never something that originates from within, it has to come to us from without. Trying to find joy by getting it out of yourself is like believing a river can flow uphill. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why so many have a hard time finding joy at Christmas. Bite into a Christmas cookie, and you might enjoy it. Open a shiny package and you might enjoy what you find inside. But joy itself—in its true and pure form—is so much more than enjoyment. Joy is the startling realization that God really has claimed territory in this world. He’s taken back what belongs to him. And then joy is a thirst that doesn’t want to be quenched; a hunger that knows it will go on and on. It’s a good thing, to never get enough of God.
This Christmas CAN be different.

If you haven't already, will you trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior so that Christmas CAN be different? If you do know Jesus already, then do what you can to make this be a Christmas filled with "great joy".

I am praying for you. Jesus loves you lots and bunches and wants to give the gift of Himself today.

Have a blessed one!



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