Blessings to you this fine morning! 

We had the blessing of going to the Christmas concert at Bryan College in Dayton, TN last night. They did Handel's Messiah. Oh my! It was spectacular. We were mightily impressed. Not that we didn't think they would do a great job but it was just better than we expected. I believe the soloists were professors and a student, the orchestra was students and a few professors, and the choir was many, many students. It was awesome. The auditorium was full. 

We have seen the Messiah several times before many years ago with all contemporary Christian artists in Atlanta, Birmingham and in Murphreysboro.  So, we were very familiar with the music. Twice after the concerts we had purchased CD's. But we hadn't seen it performed since the 90's. I can't say enough great things about it. If you get a chance to see or hear it, do. Of course, you need to like classical music. And we love it, especially Christmas music.

So, today is Saturday and I thought I would sleep in but no, I woke up at 6 AM and couldn't go back to sleep. After a late night I thought I would get to sleep in. That's ok. Want to do lots of things this morning like start to wrap packages. We have a booth this afternoon in our Downtown Christmas Festival selling Chili petros to raise money for our Jones Chapel Relay for Life team (American Cancer Society). It  should be lots of fun and festive with carriage rides and handbell choirs, and choirs, and dancing recitals all on the sidewalks and streets. Some of the stores will be open with hot chocolate and cider.

I tried to put a song in my blog the other day but it wouldn't work. It was about if it (stores, commercials, etc.) isn't about Jesus then it is not about the true Christmas. This cartoon reminded me of that. Christmas is not just a winter holiday but holy-day. Jesus's birthday! 

The verse in the cartoon talks about Jesus came to bring division. Yes, division between believers and unbelievers. But our job is to be God's hands and feet and help people believe in Jesus. And Christmas time is the time when people are more open and receptive to the gospel. So, let us pray about how God can use us for His glory this Christmas. And He can use all of us in some way. Just let Him and don't say no like Jonah did. We don't want to get swallowed by a big fish!

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: 
His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, 
but before they came together, she was found 
to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 1:18

Have a blessed day and remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season!



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