Good morning to you in the Name of Jesus!

I pray that you are well this morning. I thought I was but I am a little testy this morning. My poor husband, he gets the brunt of my words. I haven't been sleeping as long as I should. I need 8 hours a night of sleep and I have been only getting 6-7 hours of sleep the past few weeks. So, when I am rushed I tend to be a little snippity. And this morning I am honored to get to go to a Christmas breakfast at the place that I last worked at 8 am. I received an invitation in the mail. So, I thank God for that. I get to see the people I used to work with. I am excited about that. I have not seen but a few of them around town since I resigned. 

I have said before God is good all the time. He has been so good to me in my lifetime. He loved me and blessed me even when I wasn't serving Him. I have had my hay days in some of high school and then after high school. I wasn't really bad but bad enough. We all do things we are not proud of sometime in our life. But I praise God for always protecting me and keeping me safe and for bringing me where I am now with a wonderful, forgiving husband and a wonderful family who love me just the way I am. At least I think they do. Ha! 

I praise God for saving my soul and for loving me unconditionally. And now I am certainly not perfect but forgiven. God loves us no matter what we do or say. He always forgives us when we ask Him to. He is a very forgiving God. No matter how bad it is, He can forgive and change our life. 

Sometimes, I don't think we intentionally do bad things, we just don't always do the right things. There are sins of omission and commission. Things we don't do that we should and things we do that we shouldn't. I hope that makes sense. It is so true. If God tells us to do something and we don't do it, it is just as bad as doing something we know we are not supposed to do. God may have even said to us not to do it and we did it anyway. We really need to listen to that still, small voice of God. It does take practice to hear Him speak to us. That is sad but true. 

So, on this wonderful day, be still before God at some point and listen to Him. Practice listening. If we certainly don't listen to other people sometimes, then we probably don't listen to God all the time. So, let us practice being still and quiet and waiting on the Lord to speak to us either in the still, small voice in our heart, or through His Word or through a person preaching or speaking to us. God wants to speak to us not only to lead us but to tell us how much He loves us.
And He loves us this much with arms outstretched.

Jesus loves you. Have a blessed day!



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