Good morning to you on this blessed Tuesday!

I pray that all is well with you. I was exhausted last night with the 10 hour drive to my Dad and Step-mom's yesterday. Whew! I praise God for a safe and sane trip. Traffic was fairly light which is always good. The weather was very good. I don't like driving in the rain at all so I am so glad it didn't rain. Mostly cloudy when I got to middle TN and the rest of the way. Then when I got about a half hour from their house the clouds broke up and the beautiful sun came out. Praise God!

It was a beautiful drive. There had been lots of rain all over so there was water standing in a lot of places and all the lakes and rivers seemed to be high which is always good. I think Friday Dad is going to take me fishing. Yes!! I can't wait. We weren't boys so my Dad took my sister and I fishing anyways as kids and I always loved it. Although there were times when we had to get up at 3 AM to go. Not anymore I hope!

I was reading this morning in scripture about the sower in Matthew and about the prodigal son in Luke. God gives us His Word. But then we need to do something with it. Of course, we need to read it but also study it and memorize it and put it to good use by sharing it with others. But then in Luke the prodigal son was welcomed back with a celebration. When we stray away from God, He will welcome us back, no hesitation. He loves us and is so faithful. He wants us to stay close to Him. And when we fail to do what He want us to, He doesn't disown us, He loves us anyway and waits patiently for us to come back to Him. Hopefully we come back soon. 

So many people have turned their back on God and went their own way. And in a way we try to go our own way instead of God's. When we have a big or little problem, do we always immediately ask God? Or do we try to take care of it ourselves and if that doesn't work, then we ask God. Obviously we need to ask God first. 

But the greatest part is that God loves us anyway and like I said earlier waits patiently for us to give our all to Him. Have you given your all to Him? We like to think we have but if we really think hard we will realize that maybe we have held some things back.

So, let's give our all to Him and see what He can do.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies 
of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, 
holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 
Romans 12:1

So let each one give as he purposes in 
his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; 
for God loves a cheerful giver. 
2 Corinthians 9:7

Paul is not just talking about giving money here.

So, give your all to Jesus.

Listen to this!

Have a blessed day!



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