On the evening of that first day of the week, when 
the disciples were together, with the doors locked 
for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood 
among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he 
said this, he showed them his hands and side. The dis-
ciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
John 20:19-20 

I keep thinking about that this morning. And I am not foolin'! We had an awesome Easter! I pray that you did also. Had wonderful services at church including a "Sonrise Service." And then a breakfast to raise money for the American Cancer Society and a mission trip. Then, the choir robed up (we don't do that very often) in our regular morning worship service and did some specials. We had a special singer sing two songs. It was a very special service. We had lots of visitors come to church. It was just really special and I was very blessed. I just can't stop saying the words at the beginning of this blog: HE'S ALIVE!

I feel so excited about the fact the Jesus is alive. Not just that He rose again at the Resurrection but that He is still alive and lives at the right hand of God the Father interceding for us, loving us. All of us! And He continues to do that daily, monthly, yearly, and will forevermore. And when we are living with Him in heaven, He will reign forever and be our King of kings and Lord of lords physically and spiritually. I am so excited for some reason today even anxious. Like something awesome is going to happen.

I was feeling that way yesterday. I had an anxious feeling all day. I thought it was just excitement because it was Easter. But it is just something else. I can feel it. But I have no clue what it is! I will just wait on the Lord!

God is so good and so great all the time! I can't thank Him enough for dying on the cross for my sins. For all of our sins. If He had not suffered the horrific death He did, we would have to suffer the consequences of our sin. I truly wish Jesus did not have to suffer for what I have done, but I am so glad He loves us that much, that He did it anyway. It is truly amazing how much He loves us.

Just remember that today. That He loves you enough to have had died for your sins, and that 


Have a wonderful day!



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