Good morning!

Blessings to you this fine day! I pray that all is well. Did you have a blessed night? I sure did. Yesterday I got my garden planted, at least the cool weather vegetables anyway. When we get passed the last frost date, I will plant the rest. That is about the last week of April. If you have never had fresh vegetables that you grow yourself, you are really missing out. There is nothing like them. Granted, it is a lot of work and a lot of weeds and then more work. But the fruits of your labor can be amazing.

That is like the fruits of your labor when telling people about Jesus. You can tell people about the Lord and what He has done for you. And it is a miracle when someone gives their life to Jesus. The angels in heaven rejoice when one person accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior. And that is also amazing. 

"In the same way, I tell you, there 
is joy in the presence of the angels of 
God over one sinner who repents."
Luke 15:10

And the amazing part is the angels of God rejoicing, because God loves us and cares enough about us that His angels rejoice.

Rejoice means to feel joyful; be delighted; to fill with joy; gladden. And we are filled with joy when someone accepts Christ. Unfortunately we don't see that happen very often. Is it because we are not telling enough people about Jesus? I mean people who are not saved. It is easy to talk about God to people who know Him, but we hold back sometimes with people we know are lost. We are concerned by what they might say, or think about us. 

When my husband was a youth living at home, his aunt was a strong Christian who always was a great witness for the Lord. But their families did not know Jesus and they called her a "holy roller." I was called a "fanatic" one time by a great friend. It really hurt my feelings until I realized that it was a privilege to be called a fanatic. I want to be a fanatic for Jesus. 

So, don't hold back talking about Jesus. If people don't want to accept Him, then move on and tell someone else. But plant the seed. Be a great witness. The Lord will be the one to see the harvest and just maybe someday He will tell us,

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and 
faithful servant! You have been faithful with 
a few things; I will put you in charge of many 
 things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Matthew 25:23

Have an awesome day!



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