Good morning to you on this great day!

As I get ready to travel down the road towards home, I am thinking about the wonderful visit that I had with my Dad and Step-mom for the last five days. We had a really good time. 
I am also thinking about the fishing trip yesterday. Dad and I went about twenty miles away to a small lake where the nature center was that we went to a few days ago. We started fishing and used hot dogs and earth worms. Well, I caught the first catfish then Dad caught one. The limit was only three per person and we caught our limit within one hour. But they weren't just little catfish. I would say they were all over fifteen inches long at least. 
So, we packed up and drove the twenty miles back to his house, unloaded fish and left and went twenty miles back to the lake and tried again. He caught two more catfish and one bream (throw back) and I caught one more catfish. So, we had nine large catfish and we ate some of them for supper last night and I am going to take some home with me for my husband and I to eat. Yum! Yum! I really do like catfish. Although it took my Dad hours to clean them in the kitchen sink. Yuk!

And as I travel, I am also praying for my Dad and Step-mom. They are the last of the elders in both of our families. They are so special, not just because they are the only ones left. But just because I love them so much. And even more, I am praying that they will continue to live long, healthy, and prosperous lives. God loves them even more than I do. And I am so thankful to have them as long as I have.

I will continue to go to Arkansas as often as I can to visit them. I guess that is part of the reason that God wanted me to resign from my job last year, to be able to visit them every couple of months. I pray God's blessing and favor upon them.

Then that person can pray to God 
and find favor with him, they will 
see God’s face and shout for joy;
he will restore them to full well-being.
Job 33:26
Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous;
    you surround them with your favor 
as with a shield.
Psalm 5:12

For those who find me find life
 and receive favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 8:35
God's favor! Oh, how we all want His favor upon us. To favor means to give special regard to; to treat with goodwill; to show exceptional kindness to someone. Sometimes, it means to show extra kindness in comparison to the treatment of others; that is, preferential treatment. It sometimes simply means that the one favored is shown kindness and treated with a generosity and goodwill far beyond what would normally be expected. This is generally the favor that we receive from the Lord.  

So, don't you want to receive God's favor? It is important not to think of this favor in material or worldly terms. God's favor most likely will be given in spiritual blessings more than in material blessings. I certainly want favor in spiritual blessings, by praying unto the Lord, by keeping the commandments of the Lord, by seeking and finding God's wisdom, by diligently seeking good, and by living righteously.

And I think that it is possible for all of us! Think on it!

Have a fantastic day!

Les (lesbear)


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