Good morning on the Monday morning!

Bless the Holy Name of Jesus! May He be glorified, honored and praised!

May his name endure forever; may it continue 
as long as the sun. Then all nations will be 
blessed through him, and they will call him blessed.
Psalm 72:17
And He is blessed and He has blessed us. I know that I have talked about our blessings before but there is no limit to God's blessings. We can not out give God. The more we give the more He gives. And I am not even talking about money here. I am talking about everything that He gives us. It could be time, it could be helping us to meet the needs of others, it could be just praying with someone. Those things that we do for Him because He is worthy and we love Him, He will give back to us abundantly in some way.

That is because He loves us and is a giving God. Not only does He give to us but to our nation. Unfortunately, our nation is turning away from God. Our country was founded on God's principles and slowly but surely as time goes on we are falling away from Him and losing our blessings. The only cure is this:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble 
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from 
their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I 
will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

If everyone in the United States who call themselves Christians would do this, then God will do His part. That is a promise. As God's people we need to act like it. There are a lot of people in our country who have given their heart to Jesus in the moment and then don't know what to do after that and lose their way. They don't change for Jesus. 
We are not teaching people how to be disciples. Maybe some of us don't act like disciples. When you look at the surveys on Christianity out there, especially by George Barna, you can see we are not doing what God has called us to do, or acting like we are supposed to.
As far as our beliefs go, this is how we believe:
  • One-third of all adults (34%) believe that moral truth is absolute and unaffected by the circumstances. Slightly less than half of the born again adults (46%) believe in absolute moral truth.
  • Half of all adults firmly believe that the Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches. That proportion includes the four-fifths of born again adults (79%) who concur.
  • Just one-quarter of adults (27%) are convinced that Satan is a real force. Even a minority of born again adults (40%) adopt that perspective.
  • Similarly, only one-quarter of adults (28%) believe that it is impossible for someone to earn their way into Heaven through good behavior. Not quite half of all born again Christians (47%) strongly reject the notion of earning salvation through their deeds.
  • A minority of American adults (40%) are persuaded that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life while He was on earth. Slightly less than two-thirds of the born again segment (62%) strongly believes that He was sinless.
  • Seven out of ten adults (70%) say that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of the universe who still rules it today. That includes the 93% of born again adults who hold that conviction.
 The firm’s studies have also pointed out that a person’s worldview is primarily shaped and is firmly in place by the time someone reaches the age of 13. What are we teaching our kids? Let's try to teach our kids the inspired word of God.

This is just a small portion of the surveys conducted from the Barna Group. Are our teachers not teaching the truth? Or are we just believing what we want to?

Think about how you believe and be blessed because Jesus loves you.

Les (lesbear)


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