Good morning this great Saturday morning!

The sun is shining in the sunshine state of Florida. It only rained yesterday before daylight. Praise the Lord! Rain is very good just not all the time or not every day. I did go to the beach yesterday for about 30 minutes. I put money in the parking meter for 40 minutes but then my daughter called and said that she would be home from her teacher training two hours earlier than she was supposed to. And I was to be ready to leave when she picked me up to take two other teachers home. Oh my! I had to go to the store, get back to the house,  and get ready. I got back to the house 45 minutes before she got there. I raced around to get ready quick and I was ready when she got here. Whew!

I don't know what it is but I always seem to be racing to get somewhere. I seem to get so sidetracked no matter what I do, and then have to very hurriedly get ready for whatever I have to do. I have somehow lost my focus. Maybe it is because I don't have a regular job where I have to be there at a certain time. Or maybe it is my age. I am not getting any younger. I don't know but I really need to work on that. But as I have said before nothing is impossible with God. And: 
I can do all things through Christ 
who strengthens me. 
Philippians 4:13

And I will add something else to correspond with that great Bible verse. My daughter and son-in-law are having the FHA inspection on their house on Monday. So, something that didn't get finished when he was still home was the ceiling was not finished painting. He and a friend started painting it and couldn't reach the whole thing. So, we get to paint a ceiling that is 25 feet tall. We will put a ladder on the 2nd floor and lean over the stairway and reach with a 12 foot pole and paint the rest of the ceiling. Oh, my! Remember:
For with God nothing will be impossible.”  
Luke 1:37

Oh my! So, here we go. We definitely will have to trust God and His Word today and the next two days in order to accomplish what we have to do. I am so glad that I am here to help. Pray for us and for our safety!

God is with us all!

Have a wonderful day!



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