Good morning!

Our God is a great and awesome God. Worship yesterday was great. God is so good!
If anyone speaks, they should do 
so as one who speaks the very words 
of God. If anyone serves, they should 
do so with the strength God provides, 
so that in all things God may be 
praised through Jesus Christ. 
To him be the glory and the 
power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:11

I am getting things done to finish out the mission trip for this year. I have one more DVD to burn for the last team member before I can get these in the mail to the team members with the thank you notes and UMVIM certificates. Then I will be finishing up the financial end so I can get that along with more paperwork to UMVIM. (For mission trip info, go to or read my blog from 6/22-6/28/13.)
I am so thankful to God for our team members. They truly give of themselves on our mission trip. They give to God. They give to the Choctaw children and adults. And they give so much to me as team leader. They give me pleasure when they please God, and when their lives change because of this mission trip. All I want is for God to be honored, to be glorified, and to be praised. 

A mission trip is amazing. It is fun. It is spiritual. It is hard work. Yes, mission trips are to serve God. And, yes, there are mission trips that do great work that are not Christian. But I have never been on one that was not to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And in His Word, it never says that the Christian life is easy. And so it is with a mission trip, it is hard. It is not a vacation. But do you know what? It is worth every second of the hard work that you do on a mission trip. You may do things that you have never done before. You will definitely get out of your comfort zone. 

There may be dirt or bugs or uncleanness or sickness or whatever the evil one wants to throw at us or the facilities. And some mission trips you have to sleep on the floor or the ground with no hot water and not a lot of food to eat and lots of inconvenience. But that is okay. Serving God is not about us. 
It is about Jesus and what we can do for Him. How we can further the kingdom of God with Him leading and guiding us. He will equip us for whatever task He puts before us. Whether it is talking to our brother or sister or neighbor or going across the seas to tell others about Jesus. Whatever it is, God is there with us. He will put the words in our mouths, just like He did with Moses.

And may He always be honored, glorified, and praised in what we do for Him. Praise God!

Have a wonderful day!


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