Creation Museum, Petersburg, KY
 Good morning on this great Saturday!

How are you this morning? I am great. We had a great time at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, just south of Cincinnati. Every Christian needs to go. And every Christian needs to talk someone who is not a Christian into going. It just might change their mind about what they believe. It just might change our minds about what we believe or it might cement in concrete what we believe. It is an amazing place. 

The last thing we did yesterday was listen to an actor, Matthew Moore, who tells scripture word for word from memory into a story. Wow! It was awesome. This one we experienced was called Paul. He dramatized parts of the book of Acts and some of the Epistles. It kept you spellbound. And boy was he good. And he travels to churches to do this. He also enacts John, and King David.

His brochure says "SEE. HEAR. EXPERIENCE THE WORD OF GOD in three powerful performances!" He is not dressed in any costume. One thing he does is change his voice for whomever he is quoting scripture. It is really something to see. Matthew Moore has a "driving passion to help you experience the Bible in a whole new way." What amazes me is this is all from memory and word for word. I guess actors do memorize their lines but this man is the only actor and has all 35 minutes or so of it in his head and his heart. This is a true gift from God!
I thought that I might get bored or sleepy but definitely not. Do you know that we all have gifts and such from God? We may not know what it is yet but some day we will find it. And when we do, watch out, here we come. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above, 
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, 
who does not change like shifting shadows. 
James 1:17
Read Romans 12:3-11 when you have time.
"We have all been given different talents, gifts, abilities. God works in different ways through each of us, and we all serve him faithfully as we use our gifts to glorify him. We should invest the gifts that God has blessed us with wisely. We should use our gifts and abilities to honor God and to bless, encourage and strengthen others in love (without love, all our gifts are nothing!). We should not neglect our gifts, but instead develop them, “stir them up”, “fan them into flames”… so that they get even better, to the edification of the church and to the glory of God. " from JollyNotes.com

So, read about and embrace the gifts that God has given you and use them for His honor and glory. And praise Him and worship Him always.

Have an awesome day!




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