Good morning to you! 
I pray that all is well with you and your lives. Everything is great here this fine day. Although the sun is not shining here. But the Son is shining. I pray that Jesus is shining in your life and that He is the author and perfecter of your faith. 

Well, school is starting in a week here anyway. It started about the 25th of July for my grandsons. But they are on a year-round school in Putnam County. I believe they go to school for 6 or 9 weeks and off 2 and so on for the whole school year and then off for 2 months in the summer. I know that for the teachers that is good for avoiding burn out.  But for the students it probably takes their focus off of school all too often and then they have to focus again. That would probably be hard from the teacher's standpoint. I am sure that there are lots of pros and cons for all.

Our home church VBS starts Sunday night and I am looking forward to that. As I said yesterday, I love to teach kids. Most of them are so hungry to learn about Jesus or so I think, especially if they can have fun also. At least I am excited about it. It is all fun for me and I love to decorate, also. I usually go all out!

Do we go all out for Jesus? Do we do everything we can to love Him and live for Him all the time? Or do we live a godly life only on Sunday and then fall apart the rest of the week? Well, we know that we are not perfect and never will be until we live in Heaven with Jesus. God's forgiveness is amazing. And He forgives all of us for everything, if we ask Him. He wants us to ask, not because He is demanding but because that is part of the relationship with Him. 

That is like expecting God to save us without asking. He certain could, but He wants us to ask and accept His free gift of salvation. He loves us so much and that gift is actually a miracle. Salvation is a miracle from God. It is also the difference between life and death! Life with Christ or death in our sin!
So that, just as sin reigned in death, 
so also grace might reign through 
righteousness to bring eternal life 
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 5:21
For the wages of sin is death, 
but the gift of God is eternal 
life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
I have been crucified with Christ
 and I no longer live, but Christ 
lives in me. The life I now live in
 the body, I live by faith in the 
Son of God, who loved me
 and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20

So, make the choice of life with Christ Jesus and accept His free gift and then live for Him always and forever. And His Word tells us how to do that. Start in the New Testament and learn how to live for Him. He is worth it and in His eyes you are worth it also.

Have a wonderful day shining for Jesus!



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